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Posts posted by ianSB

  1. [quote name='ped' post='691877' date='Dec 22 2009, 09:38 PM']Trade threads are still fine yeah. Just if the seller decided to sell there must be a cash price. And if anyone sells to me, they must reduce said cash price by 50%


    its a trade thread ! i havent said i wanted to sell unless ive got something else.
    i said i was looking to trade for something along the lines of a GK or a different ampeg
    so therefore im wanting to trade this and not sell it

  2. im looking for something different
    so i think my ampeg will be going up for trades and im gonna see whats out there
    ideally id like something along the lines of GK, Ampeg, Orange terror bass or whatever you have to offer
    show me what you got, id be willing to make a cash adjustment for something that appeals to me that is of more value
    PM me if your interested in a trade :)
    seeing as though its more likely to sell ill put it up for 300 collected from bradford



  3. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Squier-Precision-Bass-Fender-/110639569111?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item19c2a1d8d7#ht_500wt_1156"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Squier-Precision-Bas...7#ht_500wt_1156[/url]

    this looks interesting

    is it a jv or anything like that ?
    or just overpriced

  4. later this year my band will be playing over in kilkenny and we have a day spare
    so we came to the conclusion that we can go out and get drunk or gig and get drunk
    i was just wondering if anyone on basschat could help me out with what type of venues there are
    and what are the rates for bands in dublin/kilkenny



  5. [quote name='J.R.Bass' post='1082430' date='Jan 8 2011, 06:41 PM']Great :)

    Just call Mark and do it all on the phone.[/quote]

    thanks for that :)
    thats what i wanted to hear as im looking at something on there
    and i wouldnt be able to make it down there

  6. its hard to choose because i want to stick with ampeg :/
    ive had a look at the svt3 pro but not sure whether it would keep up with the guitarists
    then there the hartke lh500 and orange terror bass
    its all too hard :)

  7. [quote name='retroman' post='1050651' date='Dec 7 2010, 03:48 PM']A fellow BC'er visited me a while back, and let me try his Orange Terror Bass out, which I plugged into my Ampeg 610HLF cab. We also had my Ampeg SVT CL out as well. The Orange did sound very good, didn't really get the opportunity to crank it up though, as I live in a semi, and think my neighbour may have objected! :) :)

    Sound wise, I thought that it didn't have the clarity, punch, and low end of the all valve SVT CL, but they are pitched at way different price brackets, so perhaps A/Bing them is a little unfair. I did like being able to pick a bass amp up easily with one hand, rather than having to use a spine shattering heave though! :lol: Cranking the gain on the little Orange did produce some nice over driven grit to the sound.

    I have been considering having the little Orange bass amp as a back up though :P

    Really liking the look of the Ashdown 427 at the moment, but that is one serious price tag.......

    I'm a big lover of the glowing bottles of goodness, but as mentioned above, there are a couple of crosses to bare.....The serious weight of a valve amp, and also, if you gig regularly, you will have to have the amp serviced from time to time, and replacing valves gets costly. Valve amps also occassionally need the bias between the valves checking and adjusting. Some amps it is possible to do DIY...The SVT CL has two little LED lights, and trim pots on the back, so you can bias the valves yourself.

    (I'm now ducking for cover, having mentioned Ampeg, and SVT more than once....... :D )

    I used to have a Trace Elliot V Type AH600 many a moon ago, which had a valve pre amp. With the matching 4X12, and 2X15 cabs, that was plenty loud![/quote]

    if i could afford the SVT CL id go for that or if i could find one second hand for a fair price
    but as it stands im looking into the terror bass as i havent seen anything bad been said about it

  8. im just looking to start getting into the valve equipment so all valve or valve pre am doesnt bother me as long as it has a valve haha, weight and maintenance doesnt bother me really, just looking for something with a bit of headroom which sounds good and is good value for money

  9. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1049356' date='Dec 6 2010, 02:53 PM']Orange valve amps really get a lot of love on here. My Terror is great, so can only imagine the sound (and volume) of the AD series.

    Marshall VBA 400 is also a good amp - incredibly loud and even more incredibly heavy! Lot of people don`t rate Marshall on bass gear, think its cos Marshall haven`t got a "name" for it, however those that use it love it, inc myself. Age unfortunately is making me choose other gear due to the weight of their amps/spkrs.

    And of course, if yr using an Ampeg 610, why not try an Ampeg SVT head.[/quote]

    ive always wanted a valve ampeg but just cant afford it

    im thinking about the terror and i would love to know if anyone has tried it with the 610

  10. basically i really want a valve bass head
    itll be my first one so im interested in what would be suitable and what would be a good start
    ill be using an ampeg 610 and competing with a loud drummer and 2 loud ass pretentious idiots called guitarists with their marshall half stacks
    any reccomendations out there ?
    trying to keep costs down so lower budget and second hand would be what ill be looking at

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