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Posts posted by Andyalfa

  1. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='388629' date='Jan 22 2009, 03:29 PM']As I said I love Golden Brown but am I correct in thinking that is played on an upright?[/quote]

    Certainly the video (still on Wikipedia [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Brown"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Brown[/url]) shown him with an upright. Dunno if that's what it was recorded on though.

  2. [quote name='MarcoBoi' post='388592' date='Jan 22 2009, 03:01 PM']I've got the same thing. But the rattle actually comes from inside the body - it's the top of the pin which is moving. Did you take the pin out, or what...?[/quote]

    No, it won't come all the way out because it has "ears" on the end to stop it. What I did was push all the way [i]into[/i] the body. If you then take the back panel off, the end of the pin is visible behind it, and that's where I stuck the bubble wrap. There's not much play, so stick a bit on the top, then rotate the pin to pull it round. Don't use too much though, as it won't go back down the hole.

  3. Seriously though, if a thread like this gets a young bass player to listen to an old master like JJ, then that’s great. All we old ‘uns can do is point the way. If the young guns like it, great. If not, no problem. It’s not a case of “you must live this guy because I (and my generation) say he’s great”, it’s have a listen and see what you think.

    I burned a compilation CD for my bass playing nephew with all sorts of stuff on there. Some Blockheads, Level 42, Simple Minds, Black Sabbath, RHCP, Chic, Jah Wobble, Sly & Robbie, Climax Blues Band etc. He listened to it, picked what he liked and ditched the rest. It hurt me like hell when Norman Watt-Roy was rejected, but it’s his choice. He’s only young after all. One day, maybe.

  4. It’s bad enough hitting 50 soon, but reading this having seen the Stranglers 3 times back in the late 70’s, I really feel old. :P

    Just to twist the knife, I thought about changing my ring tone to something youthful and rebellious (I’m in denial), and looked up God Save the Queen. I eventually found it under “oldies”. ;)

  5. I looked into this when I was Stagg hunting. It really does do exactly what it says on the tin. A local music store to me (Market Hoarborough Music) are participants and they said they could order in a Stagg in the relevant colour and still be eligble fo rthe scheme.

    Basically, you pay a 10% deposit followed by the balance in 9 equal payments. So for a £360 instrument, you pay 10 £36 installments, and you get the thing up front!


  6. I stand to the right of the drummer. Mainly because when I arrived at my audition two years ago, the guitar and keys were already set up kit left. It’s kind of been my default space ever since. Safer too, since the drummer has a habit of launching sticks off to his left for some reason. That said, at the last gig, I was bang in front (v.small stage) and the one before, on the right, because there was a thumping great Christmas tree in the way.

  7. Norman Watt-Roy - My bass trigger. After hearing the Blockheads, I only ever listen to basslines.

    Ray Brown - Complete and utter master of the upright bass

    Jah Wobble - For taking me places that i'd previously only reached with chemical assistance

  8. Signed it yesterday. Was going to post it on here today, but I see I'm way too late.

    Deadline is 23rd Jan apparently, so tell as many people as quickly as you can. Not that these clowns will take any notice. It's not an election year. I hate politicians, any politicians, now matter what party!

  9. Hi Maxcat, did you try sellotaping bubble wrap to the top end of the pin? Ever since I did that, my rattle has disappeared. I'm also loving the sound now I've wrapped some material round the strings between the bridge and tailpiece to mute the unwanted resonances. I am delighted with my acquisition and would definitely recommend it as an instrument in it's own right.

    If by slapping you mean hitting the string downwards against the fingerboard, then I've not tried it so can't really comment. What I have tried is plucking upwards and letting the string vibrate back against the fingerboard and that makes a pleasing sound which sounds a little slap-like.

  10. Not changed mine yet either, though I've only had it since Christmas. One band practise, one gig and loads of home practise hours both through the amp and with headphones on. Got another gig on Saturday, so will be taking a spare just in case, though.

  11. Following my recent acquisition of a Stagg EDB, I am in depserate need of a double bass tutor in the central midlands, prefereable around the Leicester/Coventry area. I am keen to learn jazz/blues pizzicato style, rather than classical.

    Can anyone help?

  12. This new Stagg of mine is going to severely affect my set up/ pack away time at gigs. Up till now, I’ve gotten away with being the last in and first out. One combo amp, one foot switch, one fold-up stand (5 seconds) and one bass. Ready to go in 5 mins flat. Now, with the Stagg, I’ve got to take off the two body rests, push the pin in, zip it up in its bag, then dismantle the stand, which is a pretty heft piece of Meccano. And now I have to make two extra trips to the car. This will put me at least a pint behind, either side of the gig.

    Talking of avatar's, I'm guessing that's not actually you, Maxcat?

  13. Not sure if my mind is playing tricks or not, but I seem to recall seeing a photo of a Stagg with some kind of scarf/sock/something wrapped around the strings between the bridge and the tail piece. Trouble is, I can't seem to find it now. So did I see a picture? If I did, what’s the material for? Would I be right in assuming it’s some kind of damping or mute to remove unwanted harmonics?

  14. Yes, that seems to be the case. It still moves about a bit, but the noise of metal vibrating on hollow wood has gone. I reckon making it slightly thicker would make for a tighter fit and stop it wobbling too, though that's not too much of a problem.

    Anyway, fellow Stagg owning basschatters, I need your help. How high, exactly, should the Stagg be in relation to my body? Should the nut be ear high, shoulder high or what? I have a problem with the whole thing moving around when I'm playing, making it particularly difficult to reach the G string.

    Every time I reach round, the bass rotates. I thought that one of the arms was supposed to brace against my body, but which bit? I read somewhere it's meant to be the hip, but that means having the bass quite low, which makes the left arm angle awkward and I have to lean right over to pluck.

    I've been watching lots of players on TV and they don't seem to have the problem. Maybe it's my body shape which gets in the way after the excesses of the festive season?

  15. Good news, it works!

    I found some fine bubble wrap, then wrapped it round the end few inches of the pin inside the cavity, and stuck it down with sellotape. Don't use too much, or it stops the pin sliding back inside the body. After I applied it, I extended the pin to my normal length, started playing and noticed an instant difference.

    I'm well chuffed. 20 mins, a small piece of bubble wrap and some sellotape and the problem is solved. :)

  16. I have a small problem with my newly acquired Stagg. I’m getting a rather worrying clunking/rattling noise when I’m playing “enthusiastically”, or digging in, as I believe it’s called. It sounds like the top of the spike inside the body of the bass is rattling around as it moves while I’m playing it. Being quite tall, I have the spike almost fully extended. It’s not so bad when I lower the spike and play sitting down. Anyone else had this problem? If so, what did you do to cure it?

  17. We did our last CD at Snugg. Not a bad job at all. I know Quad quite well too, as I was briefly in a band with Bob and that's where we rehearsed. We were thinking of trying out Deadline in Aylestone this time, but was would like to hear some feedback about it first as it's quite expensive.

  18. I just did a search for Leicester in this forum, but it found no results.

    I can't believe there aren't any decent studios in the area, so I thought I'd ask if you guys know of any that you could recommend? We're a 5 piece covers band looking to do a good quality 4 track demo for a planned move into functions/weddings, so it has to be look/sound professional.

    Although we'd prefer Leicester, I think we'd be OK with travelling a reasonable distance for the right place. Nottingham, Derby, Coventry, Northampton etc.

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