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Everything posted by J-Taylor

  1. You might struggle if you get somebody to order one of these in, the majority of the American Deluxe range (if not all) has been discontinued afaik and they don't really have any stock left. With regards to the finance, most of the stores seem to use the same finance company who have just upped all the rates on the 0% so I'd imagine most of them have stopped doing it (it was fine to order an out of stock item on 0% because the 9 months didn't start until the instrument was shipped to you, I think they start taking the monthly payments as soon as the order is placed on 36 months etc though =( ). Hope this is of some help O.o
  2. J-Taylor

    eBand JS-8

    I've just taken one of these into store but haven't had a chance to try it yet! I'd imagine it works pretty well with bass (the phrase trainer side) but the effects and amp modules are probably guitar orientated. If you're just after something to jam along to with a few fx, tascam do a dedicated bass trainer at nearly a third of the price John
  3. Hey Guys, I have a Dunlop GCB-100 Bass Wah for sale (no box but in good condition...hardly ever used). I went out and bought it on a whim and decided it never quite fitted in! Looking for around £45 posted or a trade / partial trade against a DOD FX25B / similar or an octave pedal. Thanks! John
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