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Posts posted by absentmindeduk

  1. Offered for sale is my Ampeg B2R Bass Amp Head.

    200Watts @ 8 Ohms,
    350Watts @ 4 Ohms,

    It has 1x speakon connection & 1x 1/4" connector.
    I daisy chain 2 8Ohm cabs to the speakon connector for the full 350.

    -The US made B2R heads rarely include the speakon out, so this model seems to be somewhat of a rareity!

    This is a LOUD amp!
    In my experience, it'll do a club gig of approx 500 people with the volume at about 6/7.

    I've have had my eye on one of it's all tube big brothers (eg SVT Pro) or a Mesa M-Pulse...
    So if you're over amped maybe you have something of interest?
    Can add cash as necessary.

    Condition is excellent, except for 2 scrapes on the front from a gator rack hinge.
    -Will post more photos.

    I've had it from new from Sound Control in Newcastle.

    £300 ono collected from Newcastle.
    -The new 'Nampeg B2Re' are £490 new!
    I'm happy to meet up / deliver within reasonable distance for cost of petrol only.

  2. The head thats in the venture is basically the M-Pulse 600 without the rackmount holes.

    It'll give you 360 Watts @ 8 Ohms.

    See here:

    I don't see any reason there would be an issue removing it - it's just the logistics of finding a box to put it in!

  3. The Ampeg 4x10's give out some serious welly -They have an awesome 'growl' to the lows for a rock sound.

    -I loved my 410 HE, but it was a total killer weight-wise at 91lbs, thus had to go.

    If you're not as weedy as me, you might get away with one! lol.

  4. [quote name='gnasher1993' post='706801' date='Jan 9 2010, 05:43 PM']Thanks for all your help :).

    At the moment, I'm thinking of adding an 8 ohm 2x10 cab to my current rig.[/quote]

    The Markbass 2x10's may be a good option?
    -There is someone on the cabs forum selling a second hand 2x10 for around £350, otherwise new they'll set you back about £550.
    Though they're 400W @ 8 Ohm.

  5. To answer this part of your query...

    LM 800 -> 2 x 4 ohm cabs = LM800 goes KA-BOOM!


    You can get heads that'll do 2Ohms like the all tube Ampeg SVT Pro series or Mesa Boogie MPulse, but this generally means you can run like 4 x 8 Ohm cabs eg. 4x 410 cabs. See example of some crazy americans... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYGierxTUjE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYGierxTUjE[/url]
    -So unless you're doing collosal stadiums or something, don't even go there! lol.

    Dunno about the tighter bass thing...
    I used to have exactly the same rig through an 8Ohm Ampeg 4x10, now have 2x 8Ohm Mark Bass Cabs. Both have a tight low end.

    I would just say it depends upon the cab you're using.
    -If you push a 500W 4 Ohm cab to 490W it stands to reason it isn't going to peform as well as it would if you say only put 250W through it.

    Generally as amps put out less wattage at a higher Ohmage, you're less likely to push an 8Ohm cab to the limit I guess...

  6. The larger the surface area of your speaker, the more air it will shift.
    -More air being moved = better lows and more volume.

    If you are currently running your amp at 8 Ohms into 1 cab and you get another 8 Ohm cab, it will be much louder.

    The calculation is basically;

    Total Ohmage of each cab / Number of cabs = Total Impedance (Total Ohmage). -(Assuming all cabs are the same rating)

    So 8 / 2 = 4 Ohm load.

    The lower the ohmage, the less resistance there is to the signal output from your Genz 3.0, thus less ohms = higher volume.

    Hope thats of some use!


  7. Not at all.

    I own 2 Markbass cabs that replaced an Ampeg cab I used to own.

    I would have stuck with the Ampeg by choice.
    Only upgrade I would have considered was a Mesa powerhouse cab.

    However, I injured myself lifing the Ampeg bass cabs up and down the stairs to my flat.
    I literally checked every cab manufacturer I could find, -the Markbass traveler series were the lightest.
    Thus I ended up with them!

    My sound certainly isn't any the worse for it!

  8. Hello all!

    Wondering if someone may lend a hand?

    I have an American made Ampeg B2-R head that I've been considering selling for something more lightweight (or if it has to be heavy a Boogie M-Pulse :-D )!

    Since most of the new Ampeg B-Series are the rubbish coming from Vietnam (and are upgraded to a slightly higher wattage) Im not sure of its value really.

    It has 1x speakon connector and one jack out (which Ive been told is rare on the new models?!).

    200 Watts into 8Ohm
    350 Watts into 4Ohm

    I paid £550 for it about 2 1/2 years ago -is in decent nick as has lived in a rack all its life!

    Any help appreciated!

    Ta, Andy

  9. [quote name='bigjohn' post='704464' date='Jan 7 2010, 05:23 PM']I saw an ex demo one for £275 not so long back. The US ones are a bit rare. As are the ones (I've never found one despite them being advertised as such) with speakons.[/quote]

    Yea, Its a US one I have, which does have 1 speakon out and 1 jack out.
    -I have 2 8-Ohm cabs I daisy chain from the speakon -so suits OK.

    I paid £550 for it a number of years ago... so if £200 or so is the crack I might hang onto it -least for now! :-S
    Though I have the GAS for one of it's bigger all valve brothers!

    Thanks for the insight guys!

  10. Best amp I've ever used was a Mesa Boogie M-Pulse 600 through an 8x10 Powerhouse Cab.
    Truly Earth-Shattering bass!

    Failing that, it has to be a 'Peg SVT2 & 8x10 Classic (the aniversiary series cab thats silver) :-D

  11. [quote name='BT!' post='618701' date='Oct 6 2009, 02:58 PM']so im currently talking to a guy about a ampeg b2r so am looking to let this go.[/quote]

    If you don't mind me beeing cheeky, whats the going rate for a S/H B2R?
    I've been considering a sale of mine...

    Anyhoo, at least have a BUMP for my cheekness! :)

  12. Thanks for the advice!

    Ill defo go out and get my grubby mitts onto a TC RH450 to test.
    It's a little harder for the MB, as the nearest dealer to me is about 70 miles away!

    Best amp Ive ever used was a Boogie M-Pulse 600.
    Too big tho!

    Id go for a walkabout if there was a 2nd hand one came around, but Im not holding out hope!

  13. I have the Traveler 210 and 115.

    I find the 210 handles the Low B on my 6 string no problems at a low volume, but crank it in a band situation and I find it weedy at best - it doesnt shift a large enough amount of air, so I added the 115.
    The sound is definately more rounded and punchy at louder volumes.

    -So I reakon your 210 should be OK, but depends on the volumes you play at - the 115 would certainly make a nice addition!

    I got the 115 2nd hand for £350 delivered.

    Let us know hoow you get on! ;-)

  14. I have a similar problem... I gave myself a hernia on two seperate occasions owing to an Ampeg 410 HE and too many stairs to my flat!
    -Needless to say it had to go!

    I've replaced the cab with two markbass travelers -a 1x15 and a 2x10 that I run with an Ampeg B2R head.
    I find the sound really rounded and punchy. It is definately a different sound to the Ampeg 410, but no worse for it!
    The Traveler 102P is the lightest 210 on the go and the 151P not far behind in terms of weight -would def recommed you at have a look at them for the weight!

    I'm currently wanting to get rid of my head too as its in a 4u case with rack gear - too heavy!

    My Mate has an Aguilar AG500 that I was very impressed with, but find that it lacked something?
    -It was a good sound, but I like the low growl that an Ampeg dishes out.

    Thus Ive been keen on a tube pre at least...

    Ive been considering:

    David Eden WT 550
    Mark Bass Little Mark Tube
    Genz Benz 3.0

    I would like to try a TC Elec 450, but Im a bit dubious about the all digital thing...

    It would be interesting to see what you end up with as Im in a similar boat!
    If anyone has tried any of the above, whats your thoughts?

  15. On the Markbass Traveller 210, -on its own it just wont cut the mustard.
    I have a traveller 2x10 and a traveller 1x15.

    To be honest the 2x10 on its own just wont shift enough air to give you the earth-shattering bass a good 4x10 can give.
    -I used to own an Ampeg 4x10 and the 210 is just not comparible -even though the ampeg was 500W and the Markbass is supposed to be 400W. Its good enough on its own in the house or a SMALL gig (talking about 20 people) lol.

    IMHO the 1x15 will hold its own better than two tens will....
    I got the traveller 115 2nd hand for £350 -so a reasonable price too.

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