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Posts posted by kjb

  1. [quote name='Mikey D' post='53202' date='Aug 31 2007, 10:41 AM']I have to say, personally, I don't agree with this.

    If you have the money about £800, it is a waiting game as merchant said above. Something will eventually come up. Don't waste your money on a cheap upright, if you want to see if you get on with it, use a little of the money for a couple of lessons.

    A pickup can make a good player sound bad, but it can't make a bad player sound good. If you are making a lousy sound with your bass, a pickup with just amplify that.

    Oh, and I think KJB has already bought an EUB now anyway.[/quote]

    I have ordered a Clifton mini EUB, which should be ready sometime in November, in the meantime I'm planning on having a few lessons so I know what I'm doing when it's ready

    Mikey I am going to have a few upright lessons from you, I'll give you a ring when I get chance and know that I'm available.

  2. I have one and a 3x10, they're both excellent, both obviously very different to each other.

    I'm actually selling the 1x12, only because of an unplanned purchase, and the imminent arrival of a new Sei 6er.

    I live in Birmingham if you'd like to ty it.

  3. I really didn't expect to be selling this, this fast, if at all.

    Don't let the size fool you.....

    After playing through probably every type of cab manufactured over the last 20 years, I can honestly say that this beats them all, it has a clarity and depth of sound that just isn't there on other cabs of this size.

    But...........I have to admit that I'm actually using my Epifani UL310 more, it just suits the style of music that I play better.

    I'm also about to make a purchase that I wasn't expecting to make, I also have a new Sei bass about to be delivered.

    This cab is only about 2 months old, I've used it for 2 small smoke free gigs, it's in mint condition.

    This is a link to the Gallery website where I purchased the cab from, you can see the new price of these [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/epifani.html"]http://www.thebassgallery.com/epifani.html[/url]

    I live in the West midlands if anyone is interested in trying this cab, I'd also prefer personal collection, it's not a heavy cab at all, in fact it's an easy one handed lift.

    I'm after £350 for it plus postage.

    Anyway, enough of the waffling, here's a couple of photos of it, and yes earlier this was my 3x10 that was for sale, but after spending the night A/Bing the cabs, it's this one that has got to go....just .

  4. I don't think I'd sell mine either, it's a fantastic cab.

    I have an epi 112 as well for smaller gigs, it's a good cab, probably the best small cab I've tried, but it doesn't have the low end response of the 3x10, and I don't think that two would sound the same as a 2x12.

    But I am thinking of adding another 1x12 to it, just to spread the sound a bit, if anyone has one they don't want.

  5. I have quite a bit of experience of owning and playing Sei basses, I have owned three, I currently own one.

    These have all been bought used, I'm currently waiting for my own bass to be finished, a 6 string single cut, should be with me sometime in September.

    Everyone that I've owned and played has been fantastic, and has been as good as, or better than some other basses that I've owned or played at some time or another, eg Status, Alembic, Roscoe, Wal, Jaydee.

    The price of everything increases, be it petrol, council tax or the price of a stamp, obviously a 20% increase on a loaf of bread isn't as much as the same increase on a custom made bass.

    You therefore surely can't blame Martin if he has to increase the price of his instruments, he obviously has overheads that go up from time to time, he employs people, he owns the premises etc.

    Check out the price of the bass in this link [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/page/shop/flypage/product_id/11261"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/page/shop/fl...roduct_id/11261[/url]

    Now compare the price of Martins instruments and tell me honestly which presents better value for money.

  6. Welcome to the ongoing saga of me taking up upright bass.

    I've been going on about this for months, it was going to be a real acoustic double bass, and then it was going to an EUB and then it was a double bass again, and so on....

    Anyway, I spent an hour or so in a local music shop last week, Turners violins in Birmingham, they were very helpful, and demonstrated the instruments for me.
    I'd forgotten just how heavy and big these things are, I played one a couple of times many years ago at college, but only briefly, (actually for a total of about 10 minutes).

    So it's now definately an EUB that I want, I went and ordered an NS design but cancelled the order, I fancy something a bit different, either a Shuker or one of the Mo Clifton basses.

    I've read some excellent reviews of the Clifton basses, it'd be the mini bass that I'd go for, but I can't seem to find any reviews of the Shuker EUB, has anyone got one, or can anyone let me know how they sound and play.
    I've played his bass guitars a couple of times, and been impressed with the build quality.

  7. Try these [url="http://saitenkatalog.de/shop1/product_info.php/manufacturers_id/51/products_id/3285?osCsid=52557f64e37374066de9fda121756b18"]http://saitenkatalog.de/shop1/product_info...de9fda121756b18[/url]

    I ordered two sets of DR fatbeams for my 6 string, the price came to about £56 including delivery - £28 per set.

    Stringbusters and stringsdirect normally charge about £40 per set.

    The strings arrived after about 3 days.

  8. [quote name='largo' post='46053' date='Aug 15 2007, 08:38 PM']Sorry, but at 40 euro's a set and 9 euro shipping for my 5 string DR "coated" strings isn't that about £60 for my 2 sets from Germany ?
    I'm pretty sure my last ebay set from the US was 32 dollars a set and 12 dollar shipping. No hassle, no import duty and about £38 delivered for my 2 sets.

    No brainer I'm afraid ![/quote]

    I wasn't referring to ebay, but websites like juststrings etc, if I want strings I don't want to have to wait until someone lists some.

    I just did a quick search on ebay and couldn't see anyone selling lowriders in a 6 string set.

    I bought 2 sets from Germany last week, they arrived in 3 days, and cost £56 including shipping, stringbuster and strings direct charge £40 a set.

  9. I bought this from ebay, it's in practicaly as new condition, the only problem is the neck on my 6 string is too wide.

    It's the same as this one, and would suit 4 or 5 string basses no problem at all.


    It's a shame really, because it's an excellent item.

    I'm after £15 plus postage, which is half the new price, and is what I paid for it.

  10. [quote name='merchant' post='44268' date='Aug 11 2007, 07:41 PM']This isn't what you'll want to hear:

    There is absolutely NO POINT AT ALL in spending under £800 on a new bass. Save that money for something second hand. It is a waiting game I'm afraid. You just have to be patient until one comes along. Don't be afraid to seriously widen your search area. Try Peter Tyler and see what he has in (I belive he is based in berkshire. he is first on my list for my next bass)

    If you can get a teacher they will nkow pupils who might be selling or unusual places to look.

    try being proactive. Phone up schools in your county and see if they have any relics tucked away that they might sell. A lot of schools had sturdy carved romanian basses (like mine and some one else on the board, but I forget who) that proably get little use now. They will get you started and you could easily sel them for what you paid.

    If you can hang on till the end of the year I'll be selling my doublebass (where are you based?) to get one more suited to my current needs. probably for a tag around your current budget.

    Why not forget the shuker and put that money to a doublebass?
    or just get an EUB and save for a good acoustic?

    Getting a crap new (and it will undoubtedly be crap) doublebass first is not the way to go. it will be hard to sell on for half what you paid.

    If you could get another grand together you would then be able to get something decent from new (the stentors spring to mind), but please don't mail order something like those Thomman basses.

    Sorry thi isn't very exciting advice


    No, this is exactly what I want to hear.........thanks !.

    I'm an absolute novice when it comes to doublebasses, despite 20 years experience of playing electric bass.

    I played a Gewa bass in a shop called Turner violins today, it's a plywood bass but sounded quite nice, especially when the guy in the shop played it for me, but something says no, I don't know what.

    I wouldn't mail order one, there were three of the Gewas in stock and they all sounded different.

    There's a Zellor for sale on here that I'm very interested in.

  11. I'm a very indecisive person, I can't decide on an acoustic or an EUB, so I'm probably going to go for both, an acoustic now, and put a deposit on an EUB.

    EUB wise I'm going to go for either a Shuker [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/eub.htm"]http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/eub.htm[/url]

    or a Clifton [url="http://www.cliftonbasses.co.uk/contact.html"]http://www.cliftonbasses.co.uk/contact.html[/url]

    Acoustic wise I don't know, I seem to be spoiled for choice, but I know nothing really about them.

    Which of this bunch would be a good buy, I'm after one to learn on, but I don't really want to upgrade, so I'm after one that'll last me, I am and always will be primarily an electric bassist.


    Budget wise I don't really want to go above about £800.

    Thanks for your time.

  12. Try these, just as cheap as America, less hassle, and no import duty.


  13. [quote name='bassjamm' post='7429' date='May 27 2007, 12:54 AM']Yeah i was gutted that i didn't make the Tony Grey gig, i only found out the day after the last night at Ronnie's...gargh!!! I've only recently started to get into his playing really, got his album yesterday, and got John McLaughlin's Industrial Zen (thanks for the tip off on that, got Hadrien's too...not bad, some quirky stuff).

    Sounds like the day wasn't that wicked then, shame...i need to get more gigs in Nott's, i live 25 mins from it and haven't ever gigged there, would be cool to see if there's a jazz scene, not sure.

    Are we going to get a Tony Grey interview in the next bass mag then? Should be wicked man!!! Really enjoyed your Bona one in the current issue, quite insightful really, i bought a load of his albums this month, can't say that i dig them that much, but it's interesting to listen to and see what he's about...i guess it mainly streches back to his culture, so from the point of view, it's inspirational, and his voice is amazing!

    Did you get a chance to interview Janek while he was over here?[/quote]

    I have a ticket for Tonys gig with Hiromi, and David Fiukzynski at the Brecon jazz festival this weekend if anyone's interested, I can't make it unfortunately.

  14. It's funny but I've just switched back to using DR's from Elixirs.

    The Elixirs seem to be lacking in the lows, they seem to be all mids...lower and upper, a bit sterile I suppose.

    The DR's have far more character, and a far more detailed, full and complex sound to them.

    I've been using the Elixirs for a month or so, and sort of liked them, but thought there was always something missing in the sound.

  15. [quote name='therealting' post='41549' date='Aug 5 2007, 12:20 PM']Prices are about supply and demand. Martin is probably getting more orders than he can build and still keep up quality. He is also growing in reputation, and no doubt in his experience and skill as a luthier. I think it's only fair that given those conditions, he has the right to increase his rate.

    As a gigging or session musician, if you start getting more offers of work than you can manage, you are well within your rights to increase your fee. There will be people who think it's too high, and they won't employ you, and others will think you are still worth it. Others may actually perceive you as a better player because you charge more! In any case, it helps you deal with the decision of which work to accept, since it gets filtered out for you. You get more money for the same amount of work.

    May I also point out that someone like Martin (a WORLD class luthier) probably spends many many hours working on a bass. Once you subtract the overheads and materials costs, and then divide the remainder of the price by the number of hours he spends building, he probably doesn't get a much money per hour. Probably less than an average Joe gigging bassist.[/quote]

    It's about 100 hours or so per instrument.

  16. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='41536' date='Aug 5 2007, 11:47 AM']Sometimes price rises can be as much about increasing percieved desirability - does anyone know how many he's selling a year? Perhaps Martin is trying to market to a different niche? Maybe he's pushing towards Fodera territory?

    BTW, the link doesn't work for me[/quote]

    He did tell me last year how many he makes a year, I think it was 20 or 30, I can't really remember.

    Don't forget that Fodera have a 3 or 4 year wait time at the moment.

  17. I can only speak from personal experience.

    My Sei is an equal to any bass that I've owned, this includes Wals, Status, Alembic etc.

    My Sei is a fantastic instrument, it can produce pretty much any sound that I hear, and allows me to play how I want, it doesn't hold me back.

    I'm also waiting for another bass to be finished, this was ordered in September last year, and will be ready in September this year, but I know it's going to be worth the wait.

    Dealing with Martin is so great, he makes the whole build process easy, and will tell you if something isn't going to work.

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