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Le Chat Noir

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Posts posted by Le Chat Noir

  1. I owned a UK-made EVO-II, it got stolen so now I have an EVO-III. Doesn't seem to be much difference sound-wise, hard to tell without having done a direct A/B.

    To be honest the built-in compressor is junk, I'd never use it.

    The only other major difference I noticed is that the EVO-III only has speakon outs, I'm sure the EVO-II had jacks too!

  2. Still no opinions on this? Nowhere near me stocks them, but they're available for quite good prices now online. It's hard to even find any videos or anything online. I'm sure someone must've tried one, come on, please share your thoughts! :)

  3. [quote name='PaulWarning' post='689641' date='Dec 20 2009, 11:53 AM']If it's any help I got £730 for mine, tried it on ebay for £800 no takers, with ebay fees being around £70 I got my price and somebody got a Stingray at, what I consider a fair price[/quote]

    Cheers for letting me know... I'd probably let it go for a similar sum if anyone's interested! I'm surprised as I'd figured the value would be higher, what with the price new for lefties and the general desirability of all-black maple necked Stingrays...

  4. [quote name='Biggsy' post='626052' date='Oct 14 2009, 02:52 PM']I thought that was pretty good! A bit more than it owed me anyway :)[/quote]

    I'd feel gutted if I listed mine and it went for that, but good on you for staying positive! :rolleyes:

    Looks like I'll be holding on to mine for now then...

  5. [quote name='stevie' post='624743' date='Oct 13 2009, 09:59 AM']This is a difficult one. What you are describing is the 10-inch drivers exceeding their excursion limits. You must be in a very loud band! There are a limited number of options to remedy this, but first of all let the driver run in. Check also that the drivers are properly sealed and that there are no leaks. Check for a faulty driver - in other words, does the 'farting out' come from all drivers at the same time? Also, make sure that it's not your amp that's running out of steam. Your 15-inch box will handle more power than the 4x10, but if the amp is giving out, you should hear similar symptoms through the 15 as well.

    Sorry if this is all a bit obvious: I'm just trying to cover all bases.

    If all of this fails, these are your options. Perhaps somebody else will add to this.

    1. Use your tone controls to reduce the amount of 40 - 60Hz going into the speakers. This is definitely your cheapest option if you can live with it.
    2. Replace the 10-inch drivers with better ones. This is your most expensive route. If you can afford it, you might consider it.
    3. Buy a decent quality power amp that works in bridged mode into 8 ohms - 250 to 600 watts - and power it from the preamp-out on your bass amp. Balance the power going into each cab using the balance control on the power amp. This will allow you to increase the power to the 15 and reduce it to the 4x10. There were some suitable power amps on here not long ago for well under £100.

    Damping the inside of the cabs is certainly worth the effort. It will clean up your sound, although it won't stop the distortion you are experiencing. There was a thread on this here just recently. I use BAF wadding, 2-inches thick (don't bother with the 1-inch stuff) stapled to the cab with a staple gun. The trick is to stop the wadding moving without compressing it too much. You could probably also stick it to the cab using something like Copydex. I''m sure that would work OK, but I've never done it.

    Good luck.[/quote]

    Thanks for all your advice stevie - I've only just started playing bass in a band again after 6 years of singing and playing guitar (was exclusively a bassist prior to that) and the project I'm in is fairly loud - the guitarist was playing through two 100w tube half stacks cranked a bit, which might explain why my 500w head couldn't keep up too well! I guess asking him to turn down might be my firstp ort of call!! :) I was thinking that maybe I was pushing the drivers too hard.

  6. To be honest the 1x15 is sounding pretty good, but I'm finding the 4x10 is 'farting out' a bit on some low notes. I think that's what sounds woolly to me. The speakers probably aren't even broken in properly yet so maybe that'll help. What would you suggest for dampening the inside of the enclosures? Overall these drivers are definitely an improvement on the Bluelines that were in there before, but my only thought was that maybe they aren't the cabs for me at all. However, I'll keep tinkering and see what I can coax out of them! :)

  7. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='624066' date='Oct 12 2009, 03:27 PM']Do you think so? I would expect him to get much better results if he transplanted the speakers into a cabinet that was designed specifically for them.[/quote]

    This was my thinking too. To be honest I've never been 100% happy with the ABM cabs, hence the driver swap in the first place! I find them a little woolly. I imagine making some enclosures thast were designed for these specific units might yield better results and allow the speakers to realise their full potential.

  8. [quote name='Musky' post='622595' date='Oct 10 2009, 07:02 PM']Bill's forum is definitely the place to ask about the speakers, but as far as I know the Omnis have now been replaced by the Jacks.[/quote]

    Thanks to both of you for your responses - I have also registered for Bill's forum, but haven't had my application accepted yet!

  9. I have a KappaLite 3015LF and four Deltalite II 2510 which I currently have installed in some Ashdown ABM cabs, but I'm thinking of selling my Ashdown rig and might keep the speakers.

    I was browsing the net for suitable DIY enclosures for my speakers and found Bill Fitzmaurice's designs - then noticed a lot of folk rave about them on bass forums, including here!

    My main question is, what would people recommend for rehousing my speakers? I was thinking a pair of Omni 10s for the four Deltalites. What would be good for the 3015LF?

  10. [quote name='Biggsy' post='620509' date='Oct 8 2009, 01:12 PM']This is true. Plenty of bidding watchers though, so the omission hasn't been to the detrement of the auction thankfully.

    How much are you asking for yours out of interest?[/quote]

    To be honest I'm keeping an eye on yours to see what it goes for, as I'm unsure of the current market value for used lefties! Seen them go for anything up to 1000 quid on Ebay over the years, but also often considerably less. I'm generally holding out for some kind of swap involving something Jazzy.

  11. [quote name='EdwardMarlowe' post='594824' date='Sep 10 2009, 03:48 PM']Have to admit, I dismissed them as 'yet another budget line' when I first saw them, but that was before I encountered a Vintage SG copy that a friend had.... fantastic guitar, very much on a par with the Epiphone G400 (which I rate highly), but at a fraction of the price. I'm actually very tempted by one of those, even though I don't have any real call for an SG type.... Overall, I think they're hard to be for the money and certainly you need to spend a fair bit more to better them. Really solid, working instruments. I did look to them for a P Bass project recently, but unfortunately they don't seem to do a maple board as an option (at least, not left handed anyhow) - a deal breaker for me.[/quote]

    I have a Vintage SG that I dropped some Bareknuckle Warpigs in, along with some Kluson tuners... now it stays in tune and has a very Sabbathy tone! :) It's always funny to have a guitar where the pickups in it are worth more than the rest of the instrument combined :rolleyes:

  12. Hi, some of you may have seen I have a lefty Stingray up for sale in the classifieds.

    I love the tone of it, but have always found the neck a tad too fat for comfort for my hands. I grew up on a Jazz and playing a neck that's thin at the nut just feels more natural to me.

    I was wondering, as an alternative to getting rid of my Singray, if anyone had any suggestions for another solution - maybe getting an aftermarket neck that would bolt on in place of the original? Has anyone done this with a Stingray before? Are there any UK luthiers who might be able to help me out?

    Would love to hear any suggestions!

  13. For sale: Ashdown ABM EVO-III 500w head. Cabs no longer for sale!

    In fairly good condition, few minor scuffs and such. The head has never had any technical problems at all, I've actually played about 200 gigs with it! They're around the 600GBP mark new, so I think something around 350GBP is a fair price.

  14. [quote name='LeftyJ' post='617146' date='Oct 5 2009, 09:57 AM']I feel a StingRay should have a maple board, and I've come to love black on black :rolleyes:[/quote]

    Yeah, I've always thought that was the best combo for a Stingray :) Drop me a line if you give in to temptation! :lol: I'll be in the Netherlands in November, playing a show supporting Nick Oliveri in Maastricht, so could always hand it over then!

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