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Grand Wazoo

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Posts posted by Grand Wazoo

  1. ok the seller was bad, but don't worry fella ANY wood can be repaired, I have seen headstock snapped off and glued back stronger than before. Of course is going to cost you cash but take it to a reputable luthier and he will work magic on it.

    Oh and if the seller is local go kick his ass!

  2. here we go lads! Enjoy

    Click on the links below



    small taster....

    Right I've had no joy in trying this through an amp as I've had to rush back to work to take a ship in as my colleague has fallen sick, and now that the crisis is over, I have taken it to work with me and taken loads of pic and from playing it unplugged I can tell it needs a little set up as the neck is too straight and need a bit of a relief, and the saddles need to be raised slightly as the action is a bit too low, apart from that, thanks to the basswood body it is light and yet resonant, the neck is the right shape, not too chunky not too thin, just perfect.

    I'll be at home in a couple of hours and then I'll plug it in, meantime all the silly stickers have gone and it looks quite the part but, I do declare this is not Fiesta Red, this is Salmon Pink or Pino Palladino Pink whichever you wanna call it but if this is Fiesta Red then my name is Susan.

  3. [quote name='matski' post='769011' date='Mar 9 2010, 11:18 AM']Sounds like crap.

    No wonder he bungs so much fuzz on...[/quote]

    agreed on the sound, but could funk with a plank, and that is what matters!

  4. [quote name='Sibob' post='769788' date='Mar 9 2010, 09:41 PM']Thanks for saying that, it's a proper pet hate of mine when people say they want to change the pickup before they've heard (or even received) the bass lol


    Well perhaps seing as I own both of the other 2 Classic Vibe basses which they do, the 51 reissue P and the Jazz, I already have sufficient experience with my finding in regards to their "electrics", they did come with very cheapo sounding pickups, and I've had to fit duncans to put them right, I have no doubt this new Precision will also be in the same ball park.

    Squier have done a great job on the woods, the necks and even the bridges are pukka, but evidently they've had to cut corners somewhere and obviously the wiring, the pots and definately the pickups suffered as a result.

    So much so that they even claim to have used Alnico magnets but my luthier told me its a load of old blx, because he checked them out and told me they are ferrite or magnetite which are actually as common as most magnets found in fridge magnets, speaker magnets etc etc nothing as fancy as alnico I hate to say.

    But I am willing to give this P bass a fair chance before I swap p/ups

    Meantime this is how my 51' reissue P was delivered.

    It took me 2 days to work out why it was buzzing like hell until I lifted the pickup and found this horror

    Cold soldering and already showing "rust" in places this type of soldering is simply below acceptable and won't do no good to your sound, hence I have had to have both the Jazz and the '51 P rewired and fitted with the correct "period" pots / waxed cloth wires, now they are quite and noiseless and the Jazz is a killa! I tell thee!

  5. [quote name='bh2' post='769711' date='Mar 9 2010, 08:54 PM']Are you going to keep it stock or mod it someways?[/quote]

    Not a lot really, just the pickup, I need to hear it first, if it sounds thin, or unbalanced, its going to get this pickup: [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/basslines/vintage-1/spb1_vintage_fo/"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/bass...pb1_vintage_fo/[/url]

    But as I've said I'll have to give it a go first and see. (hear)

  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='769597' date='Mar 9 2010, 07:23 PM']My thought exactly. I guess Bass5 will be able to tell us soon.[/quote]

    Well that is an easy one, I did ask the gentleman on the phone when I was ordering mine, what does it say on the back of the headstock and he confirmed that it's the same as the other 3 Classic Vibe's i.e. [i]"Crafted in China"[/i]. in fact except for the colour there are no differences in quality and parts. It's exactly the same as the Sonic Blue Precision.

  7. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='769251' date='Mar 9 2010, 02:03 PM']Slick work by a sly dog. We are prostrated with envy and admiration in equal part.[/quote]

    Why thank you Sir,

    Things like that you've just got to snap them quick, aintcha?

  8. [quote name='Balcro' post='769115' date='Mar 9 2010, 12:38 PM']Bah! Beaten too it by "bass5". It's not even on Squier's web-site.

    It's about as "red in'yer face" as the Ibanez SRX470 (UK frame).


    The name is Fran and I am a [i][b]"Bassoholic"[/b][/i]

    Pics to follows soon as it comes!

  9. I am sad to inform you all that... presently that one is the only one in the country in that colour!!!, as they have not yet been introduced widely to all distributors, it just so happened that particular dealer received "the one" as a sampler in that colour. Yes of course, there'll be more of the same to come but not for a while, in the meantime, I've phoned him up and snapped that off him.

    So now it's on its way to moi! :)

    as you can see he removed it from ebay as we did a "phone deal" (better than the price advertised) saves him ebay mafia fees and me delivery charges. Everyone's a winner!


  10. [quote name='WonderHorse' post='767796' date='Mar 8 2010, 12:18 PM']Still none the wiser after reading that article since the article was written for people who already have a knowledge of this sort of thing.

    Would I be able to get this shielding done at a shop or when I get my bass set up soon?[/quote]

    In simple words you need to isolate the pickup cavities with some copper foil. Also the article suggests applying the same copper coating to the inside of the pickup covers., if this is still "distant" to you then your best bet is to get a luthier to do it for you.

    You can do without all this if you get specially designed noiseless pickups, usually stacked humbucker in a single coil shape.

  11. [quote name='Buzz' post='767262' date='Mar 7 2010, 08:20 PM']18 years old...could be a number of things, might be the capacitors, they've got a finite lifespan, could also be a dry joint somewhere etc....

    Give it to a tech if you're not electrically minded.[/quote]

    Give this man a prize!

    I have had the same problem with my 18 years old Trace last summer and it was a series of dead capacitors in conjunction with a crack in the circuit board where it connects to the GP12 graphic eq, a good technician can repair it and mine was fixed and now it's as good as new.

  12. [quote name='DHA' post='767169' date='Mar 7 2010, 06:53 PM']if you just plug into the return then most likely you will cut off the bass signal unless there is a blend control.[/quote]

    Ah thanks! Looks like it can't be done then. The amp does have another input on the front panel, a balanced xlr one, sadly the drum machine has a standard 1/4 inc jack so that looks like a no no either.

  13. Unfortunately I have one exactly the same, or I would have taken it off you in a breeze. But I would like to say this for those who might be in two minds about this purchase:

    I think that on this particualr bass, Squier have outdone themselves:

    1) The built quality is incredibly professional for such a budget price.
    2) The feel of this neck mimics the real feel of the 51 Prec much better than the more expensive Jap reissue which I personally turned down when I was looking for a bass like this, not even the Sting model plays this good!
    3) Soundwise is where the magic of this bass really is. That one single pickup is so well apt to the style it recalls that it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up when played through the amp.

    I personally would never part with mine, I own more expensive basses in my collection but I find myself using this one more and more for its semplicity and enjoable sound and playability, and I am convinced that in 20 years time these will be just as sought after as the Squier JV series, if not more, so if you've got one, you better hang on to it.

  14. This is to thank and praise the coolness of Darren from the Bass Merchant shop in Colchester, Essex.

    Last Friday 26th Feb I drove 65 miles from my place in Greenwich to his store to drop my Mark Bass CMD102P for which I bought in his store the new Mark Bass the "Little Mark Tube 500W" head.

    Coolness #1: First of all he gave me a very nice discount on the head.

    Coolness #2: He told me that when the combo would be back from the distributors I wouldn't need to drive back to his store but he would arrange to have it sent to me instead!

    Coolness #3: Whilst my combo was away for this swap, he lent me a nice Genz-Benz Shuttle 6.0 210T so I wouldn't be without an amp in the meantime. Shweeeet!

    Coolness #4: Wednesday 3rd of March my combo was delivered back to me, that is 3 working days, having excluded Sat 27th and Sun 28th, quickest turnaround I have ever experienced! Great Service!!

    Cooness #5: After taking my own combo and the original head from the large box he sent by courier, he included enough padding and bubble pack for me to wrap and box up the Genz-Benz combo which he then arranged collection the following day.

    My Mark Bass Combo in the space of 4 days went from this:

    to this:

    and finally

    Coolness #6 a lucky man from this forum bought the Little Mark II head from the original combo helping me to recover a good part of my expenditure for the new head.

    So thanks Darren at the Bass Merchant and thanks to Mr. Anonymous buyer who secured the purchase of my original head in nanoseconds.

    Oh and..... bejezzus this new head sounds pukka! I really recommend the upgrade if any of you has the same combo, go for it, it can be done to any of the Mark Bass combo's featuring the Little Mark II head and on the plus side you will be able to recover most of your money by reselling the old head.

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