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Posts posted by lobematt

  1. [color=#333333][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3]Hey guys![/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#333333][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3]New bass lesson[/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3] posted! Pentatonics built from the II chord and a Joe Henderson Lick [/size][/font][/color][url="http://www.mattlawtonbass.com/?p=409"]http://www.mattlawtonbass.com/?p=409[/url]

  2. Hey guys!

    I've just posted a review of Riffstation on my blog, I think it's something some of you could maybe benefit from. I'm not affiliated with this company at all I might add! Anyway check it out here =)


  3. [quote name='ML94' timestamp='1376993991' post='2181863']
    What gets me is starting from a root and then trying to land on the nearest harmony note of the next chord eg 3rd, 5th. Ay excercises that would help me with this. I feel as I've hit a brick wall as my head dosent react as wick to the chord as quick as I want it.

    There's a great one from Gary Willis's book Fingerboard Harmony that I use. It's pretty tough though so don't get too downhearted at first!

    Take two common chords like C-7 F7 and give one chord per bar eg C-7|F7|C-7|F7...

    Basically you want to start from your lowest possible chord tone of the first chord and play four beats moving up landing on the next available chord tone of the F7 for four beats until you run out of notes (staying in the first position) and descend again. Then progress to chord tones on beats 1,2 and 3 and a passing note on 4, then chord tones on beat 1 and 3 passing notes on 2 and 4. It helped me unlock a it of freedom in my walking lines but it is much harder than it sounds!

    I'd recommend starting with no pulse until you're comfortable and then bring in a slow metronome so you can start to think about your feel as well. In Gary's book he starts on these chords and then continues through more common ii-V's but you can use whatever chords you want!

  4. I'm by no means an expert on this but I am putting quite a lot of time into studying this at the minute, the main thing I listen for really is a nice flow. One thing I found once I started transcribing is that being repetitive isn't necessarily a bad thing. It seams a lot of bassists are reusing phrases when they hit on certain chords which helps give a bit of continuity to the lines. Check out a few of the transcriptions on my site www.mattlawtonbass.com but I would highly recommend you transcribe a chorus or two yourself because it really helps answer a lot of these questions :)

  5. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1376636270' post='2177037']
    If you don't like reading and playing handwritten scores, then Musescore is a good software for writing scores out. It also plays them back for you, so you can check if it sounds right.

    That's what I use to make mine look presentable but I find I learn how to write notation better by hand writing it and then using the computer to check it =)

  6. It's helpful to have some kind of slow down program although not essential. I'm currently using riffstation which has a low/high filter on it as well as slow down, metronome, chord finder and key changer. I'd suggest transcribing other instruments than just bass as well to get your fingers moving in unusual patterns. I think the main thing is to only transcribe music that YOU like to help build your own voice.

    Once you've gotten the music down looking at comparing chord tones to the chords is a great place to start and if you get stuck just ask on these forums, that's how I got going!

  7. Just to let you know, you we're pretty much bang on! Just followed these four set up vids [url="http://www.elixirstrings.co.uk/products/bass_guitar_setup.html"]http://www.elixirstrings.co.uk/products/bass_guitar_setup.html[/url]

    And seems to have pretty much fixed my problems!

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