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Posts posted by BT!

  1. ive been running my warwick for about a month or 2 now and was wondering if anyone knew if it was just a 4 ohm head or a 4 ohm and 8 ohm head

    ive seen nothing to say its the latter but i just wondered if anyone else had seen something simular

  2. [quote name='badgerific' post='859710' date='Jun 7 2010, 11:56 AM']Might also come down to cardiff to see you guys, I've heard of you guys but haven't had a chance to see you. John Q Public are awesome as well so should be a good night.[/quote]

    we played with john q public a while back and they just struck me as a cheesy covers band. also wernt that social to the extent their bass player had to get the soundguy to ask he could borrow my bass head rather than do it himself.

    but thats just my experience with them

  3. i havnt actually tried it out yet to see if it works due to me having the same thought as you. although someone told me thats how it should go.

    to mute the signal for tuning would be the kinda thing im looking to go for

  4. ok so ive just bought a rack case and completed my set up. ive got a warwick pro tube and a btr 2000 rack tuner.

    my question now is how would i hook up the rack tuner to the amp ?

    this is how i have it at the moment

    would i keep it like this or use something different?

    also would i go through the tuner or amp input?

  5. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='827613' date='May 4 2010, 04:31 PM']I've highlighted the key words for you. :)

    If it's no good for you, you can just sell it :rolleyes:[/quote]

    yeah could be a good call.

    [quote name='lemmywinks' post='827618' date='May 4 2010, 04:35 PM']That was one of the Professional series right? If so then it should be a quality cab, seem to remember them being huge as well![/quote]

    it was indeed. id heard good stuff about hartke. played through an 1x18 years ago and it was huge so not expecting anything compact :lol:

  6. my friends selling me one of these for super cheap.

    was just wondering what people thought of them. im gonna be running it with a warwick pro tube 4

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