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Posts posted by Jeffb28451

  1. I am going to try the LaBellas. I have used TI for a while, and until recently, been pretty satisfied with the strings, but now I have an issue with factory communications and quality/responsibility..


    Long and short, no local dealers, so I bought a set off Amazon. D broke before it was close to in tune.


    Amazon refers me to Manufacture, who is quite slow but responds to my second email to their “contact” number after a week. They then say (1) they never received any messages from me (including one from over a year ago when another string broke on another bass): (2) I should be patient because they “have a lot of people traveling” (and…so??) , (3) it’s not their responsibility, they don’t sell on Amazon, etc. (but I think maybe they have a retailer who does that they should know/inquire about)…


    I’ve been changing strings for over 50 years, so, this was NOT my issue. I got a defective product and have now been stone-walled by either or both Amazon (you decide) TI  now wants me to provide them with a history of my emails to them. That would usually be fair enough, but they’ve already given me excuses for tardiness, then denied any responsibility…. So it looks like no matter what, they’ve already stated their position.


    NO problem, I’ll just save my time and kiss TI good-by. I work for a living. I don’t have time for this game.


    If I am going to deal with any manufacturer, I expect the response to be ,” we have a problem, let’s solve this together.” Do we not do that honorable practice anymore?


    Good sounding strings, but I understand other people make good sounding strings, too, AND stand behind them, even if their product is sold through one of their retailers who won’t step up. Is this new version of “pass the buck” a common practice in this day of on-line retailing? 

  2. I've gone through several preamps but the John East pre (after whatever good pickups suit you) is the best money I've

    spent. They're about $230 in the States, if that matters, but (I know, I know, up to a point) good sound costs money, so

    I put my money down and was very pleased with Mr. East and his superb customer service, even across the pond.

  3. Boats, kids in football, school, job travel...some of my friends and I have "quit" for 10-30 years at the time. That's real life for most of us.


    That said, played in a horrific jam session last night, with my mates from my Monday band and some old fart with a harmonica, flip flops and dreams of 

    adequacy. Practice tonight with another band and Friday with some folks a County over doing acoustic fretless stuff.


    God....I love retirement!! 

    • Haha 1
  4. Funny you mention that. I've been playing a while and have run into a "signature" bass line that is giving me fits. "Marie Levau" is how old (?) and I have been shown (in no uncertain terms) that my liberties a la Little Feet, etc,. are not really appreciated.


    I thought I had it down, until one of the guitarists sent me a link to an 80 year old woman at a bass lesson trying to do it, banging and clanking, etc. I still think he's making fun of me but, in fact, she has the line and I still can't get it! I learned it wrong and now I have to unlearn it!


    I've heard quite a few versions of the line, but my young friend is bound and determined that THIS is the right one. I'd like to think he's young and inexperienced, but I'm just the bass player and if we're going to do unisons and harmonies, then I guess this must be the "REAL THING" and I'd better get it down by the next practice!

    • Like 1
  5. OP listed EXTREMELY important lessons for the real world. Dark necks, wrong keys, issues with stage lights, guitarists who, well, play like

    guitarists, etc. 


    These are all very real and ever present issues, among others and jam sessions are better places to learn these lessons than auditions or

    paid gigs. Wish I'd have gone to more when I was younger.

    • Like 1
  6. Had a local bassist here in the States who liked to get "altered" and post political rants on Facebook. His band has/had been together since the early 2000's, if you can believe it. He lost so many gigs for them that they fired him, just to get playing again.


    Just FYI, his postings were more or less right-wing conspiracy stuff, balanced by leftist rants. At least he was "unfair and unbalanced" !

  7. Well, to begin with, I'm 67 with a 35db notch from 2.5 to about 4.5 k per my last test. Most of that loss is due to my miss-spent youth in loud bands. (I'm sure none of you folks understand that). I have hearing aids now but carry ear protection (custom fit) to any practice, jam or show to protect what I have left.


    I have found older folks who can get a good sound without diming a Marshall, and with in-ears monitors and PA the way it they are now, very rarely have the need to turn up past moderate volumes. I do have small, loud amps and speakers, if needed, but just don't deal with higher volume folks.


    Please take care of your hearing. Of course, some ear protection is better than others and many of them just plug your ears and prevent accurate hearing, so do your research before you buy or rule it out based on "ear plugs".

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. Sorta with OP on this. I've got a few that I like, but recently got a custom GB cutlass body (heavy, though!) and put on a Status graphite neck 

    and an original Lane Poor pic-up and an original EBMM bridge. Preamp is just a passive VTT.  


    So far, there is nothing this one won't do better than anything else I have. Thumpy, slappy, cutting,blending...


    No it doesn't do the best Pbass, but I have one of those (and have had many) and just don't use it that much except to 

    get in the door with new bands where that's just sort of expected to be the "tool of choice". 


    But, I'm old and I'll probably change my mind tomorrow. I'm okay with that, too.

    • Like 1
  9. I'm on my 5th 4003(s). All different neck sizes, etc. They are no one trick pony, not at all. I enjoy the sound but would NEVER buy one without playing it. 

    I've always put on Hipshot bridges, until my 2022.


    I do not enjoy the twin truss rods, as they are not always intuitive. Necks have all been very stable, but 

    I did get one that played well but had a slight back-bow to it even with the truss rod on that side almost loose. (go figure). I got it to line up (sort of) by tightening the bass side and loosening the treble side and then the bass side (more or less) flattened out more. Not the most natural way to set up but

    hey, it's a Ric. It's going to have some idiosyncracies. 


    I play in two bands and have several basses, AND a Ric. Not to brag, just to make a point: I would not make it my go to, but it can produce quite a unique sound that I enjoy in a context. It is not universal, like a Precision, and some engineers just don't get on with them, nor some electrical systems! Never my only bass, but one I like to have around, if the price is right. The only bass I've ever lost sleep over wondering what it was going to do or what I was going to learn about it next.  

  10. Great all around string. Prefer Roto 66 and DR High Beams/Low Riders but D'Addarios are reliable and consistent and have a sort of "universal" sound. Best part about them is that they're usually available at good prices.

  11. Let's see, he "broke" his bass and had no strings or back up and now wants to visit his tender touch to one of mine?  Is that right?

    I always take extra strings and back up bass, even to "birthday party" gigs.  Unless that guy was your very close bud, just no.


    Otherwise, you're a better man than I, Gunga Din. 

  12. I had the regular Mono dual case (I can't stand the clearance issues and rather meager protection of the Sleeve, esp). Yesterday, at load out, I hit a wonky part of a driveway and my DNA 210 (53 lbs) rolled over my Hiro Miura xb-2 and GB basses in my Mono dual).  Glad I decided to put up with the bulk, cause the Sleeve would have definitely been too thin and I doubt individual Vertigos (yes, I've owned both and use them for practice) would have been a lot better.


    The haste and confusion of load out after a job , etc. have caused most of my "accidents" over the years. While 

    the Vertigo and Sleeve have their place, protection of drops, falls, et is pretty meager and I still don't like their clearance issues. I've scratched more than one nitro finished bass on the zippers while putting them in or out.' Just a little too snug for my  basses, even for practice toting.

  13. I’ve gone so far as to repurchase  2 that I’ve owned previously . I was a bit hasty getting rid of a Vigier Passion and a Status  t 5 fretless. During my first ownership, I just didn’t quite get dialed in with them, but a bit more time with other basses and I realized where they could “sorta fit” with some music/ bands I played with.


    certainly I have over looked other great basses due to lack of experience or proper musical environment (or money!) 

    to use them when I first saw or played them.

  14. Love them all, for a while (have 14, now). Always willing to sell or trade ( up, hopefully), but I’m running outta room

    in a “been there, done that”, sense). 

    Wife , who indulges me, and dog, who doesn’t care, so long as belly rubs are coming, are not fo sale: anything else, 

    make me an offer!

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