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Everything posted by Bhav

  1. Tried out a few basses today, tried an Epi EB-3 and sounded lovely and played well too. Also tried a few Yamaha RBX basses which also played well. Didn't get a chance to try out any Ibanez's though but i've heard good things. Thanks for the input, been very helpful edit: stumbled across a few short-scale basses and seeing as i enjoyed the feel of the EB-3, i was thinking about the EB-0 but they seem to be getting mixed reviews...would getting a short-scale bass as my first bass limit me? I've heard they can have issues with tone although after doing a quick search, these claims seem to be fairly inaccurate! I guess it depends on what i feel comfortable with. (I know you can't make up my mind for me but i can do with the advice!) decisions decisions!
  2. Hmm...interesting, I don't have the biggest hands or finger spread so i think i may be better suited to the RBX range. I'll try some out and decide i think. Cheers
  3. Thanks for the replies. They've been most helpful!
  4. Thanks for the advice, that RBX 260 is quite tempting... Another question (if you don't mind!): Would it be worth getting the RBX260 or something similar and then upgrading in a few months time or going straight for the BB414 for a little more cash? Again, any input is appreciated!
  5. howdy everyone taking the plunge and going to buy my first bass so i have a few questions about a few contenders (well...mainly the 1!) my friend has offered me a Yamaha BB414 for £110 which seems reasonable considering the reviews it's getting. However, the electronics need a bit of work, the tone knob doesn't seem to work and the pick-up switch is broke. as well as these problems (easily fixed by a soldering iron/new parts) there is a veeeery small, hairline crack in the neck where it meets the body on the join and i'm not sure whether to be put off by it or not. I guess what i'm trying to say is whether it's worth it. The other basses i'm looking at are some of the Yamaha's RBX range as well as some others. Any input is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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