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captain black

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Posts posted by captain black

  1. Dave popped round to pick up a Peavey cab from me yesterday.
    He even let me have a try of one of his lovely 'ray's.
    Pleasure meeting you Dave, Cheers.

  2. Hi,
    I've got an old Peavey 2x15 that's built like a tank.
    You wouldn't want to be moving it about every day.
    Its a 4ohm cab fitted with two bog standard Peavey 8ohm drivers (one of which looks like it may have been repaired) and it really moves some air.

    It's just sitting there so what do you reckon £25?

  3. I had an X3 Live and as good as it was it was not easy or intuitive to programme.
    I find the Bass pod XT suits my needs best.
    You can Bi-amp and so on, its so easy to programme and I think you don't miss any models or amp sims that the X3 has.
    Also Line6 edit is also much easier to use than Gearbox.
    I've used line6 gear for years and tend to think that after the XT they have pretty much abandoned the bass player (XT was the last dedicated bass pod).
    Just MHO.

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