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Posts posted by sdgrsr400

  1. [quote name='Deep Thought' post='560869' date='Aug 5 2009, 08:31 AM']+1. Ok, you dropped it-accidents happen. Far better to come clean and offer to put right the damage than to try and do it on the quiet and hope she doesn't notice.[/quote]
    +1. Honesty is the best policy.

  2. For cleaning off grease of any sort, I use Surgical Spirit which is available at most chemists. I think it's pretty similiar in composition to Meths, but without the colouring, and is arguably purer given its normal use of preparing skin for injection/scalpel etc. Last time I used meths I seem to recall having an allergic skin reaction, so have steered clear of it since.

  3. Why not ring round the mainstream dealers as well (e.g. the ones that advertise in Bass Magazine)? With the exception of the one in Denmark Street they generally seem to have reasonable reputations. You can always claim you "might be in the area soon and would like to try one out" to see if they have stock. They might do a verbal deal also which a website won't.

  4. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='547966' date='Jul 22 2009, 06:40 PM']Here's a transcriptions site I found the other day. Go straight to Transcriptions and then to the Bass page for lots of good stuff.
    The Major[/quote]
    What an interesting site! Thanks for the link :)

  5. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' post='558277' date='Aug 2 2009, 09:31 AM']...
    To get to the point I opted at that point to go for an Aguilar AG500SC and an Epifani UL210 which together on the day just beat the hell out of everything that I heard and that is why I bought it. To my ear most neo cabs are a bit soul-less and empty sounding but the Epi cab has the depth that I used to get from my bigger/heavier cabs but weighs nothing. I also found that 2x12 cabs just sounded muddy and shapeless. Again these are just my opinions and experiences other have raved about EBS 2x12's but I would never use one...[/quote]
    +1 for Epifani, lovely warm sound and deep too.

  6. What should be taught/learnt is the ability to really *listen* to what's going on in the music, and how to really tune into the groove. Then you have the feel. There are many subtleties in the way rhythms work in the different genres of music, and the student needs to be open to taking the time to really enter into them. It's not the work of an idle moment to do so, but is possible if they have the right (humble!) attitude.

  7. Don't forget on the internet you are covered by the Distance Selling Regulations, which give you a cooling off period of seven days in which you can return the purchase in original condition for a full refund. See: [url="http://www.oft.gov.uk/advice_and_resources/resource_base/legal/distance-selling-regulations/"]http://www.oft.gov.uk/advice_and_resources...ng-regulations/[/url]

    One or two internet sellers try to weasel out of this mandatory obligation by saying "they will negotiate in the event of any dissatisfaction". That's bluff (though there are exceptions for a few things like sheet music and software which can be copied).

    Know your rights!

  8. Gorgeous!

    (OT for OP: Spent last Sunday with g/f in Henley-on-Thames - stayed at Hotel du Vin - ate at the Spice Merchant - very nice town!)

  9. These guys appear to have a good range of products (not tried them yet personally but am looking seriously): [url="http://proaudiostash.co.uk/dyn/pages/racking/"]http://proaudiostash.co.uk/dyn/pages/racking/[/url]

  10. [quote name='RussFM' post='553701' date='Jul 28 2009, 11:22 AM']I shipped a bass to Greece a year or two ago, wasn't even in a hard case, I just took the neck off, packed it really well and made sure it was insured. No problems.[/quote]
    That's interesting: seems a very sensible thing to do. Curious that bass manufacturers don't do this - presumably a combination of good original packing and total distrust of music dealers ability to do a decent set up...

  11. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='549774' date='Jul 24 2009, 09:41 AM']So, unless I am missing something, why no negative feedback?[/quote]

  12. Ah yes, the fire alarm diversion: very devious.

    Is there any practical way of securing instruments in a performance situation? For items like portable PC's I've seen things like locking cables and tamper alarms, but haven't seen much regarding instruments. We seem to want to believe that everyone is just there for the love of music, but unfortunately that isn't always the case.

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