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Posts posted by rohan

  1. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-Guitar-in-need-of-a-lot-of-TLC-restoration-project_W0QQitemZ220192280893QQihZ012QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-Guitar-in-need-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]

    Can't work out what all the switches might be for? :)

  2. If anyone gets offered or notices one on ebay, my good friend Ben has just had his ampeg B2RE stolen, distinguishable by the fact that it is un-racked and has the center EQ nob missing. Missing from Transpose practice rooms, Newport, South Wales Friday 4th January 2008. Any help much appreciated. :)

  3. All sorted - I think he was trying to get a cheeky sale as he forgot to mention that it was a duplicate and me being the airhead that I am forgot that fenders are manafactured in JAPAN, not China :)

    "hi sorry for late reply i have been away for the weekend the guitar is a AAA duplicate from china all guitars from there are dups they are very well made just as good as an original at a fraction of the price i have 2 myself,i have no problem if your not happy with this and want to withdraw your payment as i should have put this in my ad,please let me know if you withdraw your payment i am very sorry for the late reply and confusion
    thanks phil"

  4. "For a rhythm sound, I was thinking of splitting my signal before the overdrive pedal, and combining it again after it, so I get my clean tone coming through as well as the distortion, keeping some clarity and low end in it all."

    Sorry for the thread hijack, but how would you go about doing this?

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