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Posts posted by Lysdexia

  1. Hi guys - much as I love my Attitude bass, there are two things I'd like to change

    1. The woofer pup right next to the neck is raised above the scratchplate by about two mm all round - right where I like to slap/pop

    2. The woofer vol pot is far to close to this area, so when I try to overcome the pup issue, I keep battering my fingers off the pot.


    Can the woofer pup be sunk down so it becomes flush the with plate?

    And is there a way to stack the vol pot onto one of the two, lower pots - and if so, any suggestions/ideas for wiring?

    I really love the sound and how it plays for finger-style, but it's frustrating to even attempt to slap/pop successfully.

  2. [quote name='bassjamm' post='334001' date='Nov 21 2008, 05:35 PM']Do we get the models and the pint thrown in for £550?[/quote]

    These are custom bass stands - organically grown and take some 21 years to mature. Each model is obviously bespoke and The Times reckons parents should expect to spend around £180,137 on theirs from birth until the age of 21.


    So, £180,687 would cover it. No way can I stretch to free print with margins that tight.

  3. [quote name='foxthebiker' post='333868' date='Nov 21 2008, 02:34 PM']Seriously, what price is the print and also, (what settings did you use etc)?[/quote]

    Studio setup - 1 x Bowens 500 head, rectangular soft box, Nikon D300 + Nikon 70-200vr.

    Shot - f/8 for 125/s @ ISO 100.

    Model - Varri.

    Hope that helps!

    I can do a 9 x 6 print for a tenner - which is a nice size when framed up - decent frames, including a mount can be had at Ikea for not a lot.

    If you wanted something bigger, or a canvas or the like - let me know and I'll sort out prices.

  4. Virtually as new, a classic, immaculate USA precision. Comes with the original, fitted Fender hard case.

    I'm looking for offers around the £550 mark - free print for the buyer!

    This is the actual bass for sale - more photographs to follow :)

    If you would like a print of this photograph - let me know and I'll get that sorted. A perfect Christmas present for the low-end swinger in your life.

    And if Froilan would get in touch about the Ric print he's due I'll get that sorted, too.

  5. [quote name='~tl' post='317109' date='Oct 28 2008, 09:54 PM']Just met Andrew in Glasgow, had a coffee, and left with a lovely [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=30446"]5-string Precision[/url]. Finalised the deal last night and had the bass in my hands today. Great guy and a pleasure to deal with!

    Cheers Andrew! :)[/quote]

    Just seen this - thank you very much!

  6. [quote name='gareth' post='326368' date='Nov 10 2008, 10:41 PM']Is it the jazz the same as this one?


    I'd say so - I had one, fitted it with a J-Retro pre and it proved to be the best bass I ever owned. I don't own it now - I had to sell it when broke :)

  7. A beautiful Fender Marcus Miller signature bass - superb condition, with non-original case. If you know the bass - you will know what a superb instrument this is both sonically and playably. Playally, playabilitally? You know what I mean I'm sure...I'm lysdexic so...

    Delivery - to Glasgow for £10 petrol or you may arrange your personally preferred courier.

    Offers around £650 for this superb example.

  8. [quote name='Shaggy' post='315654' date='Oct 27 2008, 11:06 AM']Lovin’ those “model” pics!
    I had one of your old ones with the Jetglo Rick 4003 as my PC desktop for a while, and ended up buying a Jetglo 4001. Subliminal advertising….. :brow:[/quote]

    Hopefully you'll enjoy my [b]Bass Porn[/b] book when it comes out :)

  9. [quote name='NickThomas' post='315113' date='Oct 26 2008, 03:35 PM']Do you have a ballpark figure in mind? That's stunning!![/quote]

    An amount to acquire a 4003 would be ideal - £700 - £800 or so I'd think would be acceptable.

    Delivery free up to Glasgow - or arrange a courier to collect.

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