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Total Watts

  1. Hello, has anyone ever come across (or even better, played) a Freshman brand solid body bass. I've come across this P-bass online and need some info. I can see people have posted about Freshman semi acoustic basses but nothing about solid models. Any help gratefully recieved, cheers . .
  2. Many thanks for the replies. The Anniversary bass got snapped up this afternoon on a Buy It Now so my search continues. There is a Shaftesbury Rick copy (also on Ebay) at the moment; anyone got experience of this make? I know it probably dates back to the 70's or 80's so I wonder (a) if it sounds anything lke a real Rick and (b) what is likely to be worn out on a bass of that age. Input appreciated, thanks again.
  3. Hello Everyone, Has anyone come across the Anniversary brand of bass or guitar. There is a Rick 4001 bass copy and a 330 and 325 guitar copy on ebay at the moment bearing the brand name on the TRC. Can anyone enlighten me? Appreciate any info, thanks.
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