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Posts posted by BlackElan

  1. Noticed there was a influx of Americans looking for Wal mkII 4 strings. Lucky for me Paul Herman replied back to me stating that I am on the wait list for a new Wal when he gets to it but enough about the Wal...

    Just wanted to say Hi, I am from the San Francisco Bay Area in California USA.

    As my user name states and some of you may know me from the Alembic club I have a 5 string Elan on the way from Alembic. Mine is a exact replica of the Elan Jason Newsted used during the Damaged Justice tour with Metallica in 89. If you have any questions about Newsted's Alembics please ask I have spoke with Alembic employees and reviewed enough hours of footage to know every last spec of each of his Alembics.

    I also have a very impressive collection of Aria Super Basses since I am a big Cliff Burton fan. I have quite a few original Black N Gold basses and a black SB1000 all original not reissues. Any questions about Cliff's Arias I can probably help.


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