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Posts posted by steelman

  1. Hi Basskit

    Can you tell me if this is Mexican or Japanese? How old it is, and any more of its history? I have not looked at these before so know very little about them but the price seems good value compared to some I've seen on eBay. I am seriously looking for a MIJ/CIJ instrument.



  2. Hiya

    I found myself in your position last year with an identcal piece of kit. I'd bought the EB180-15 combo to rehearse with in a small cellar, which was more than enough power on tap. I started to struggle when we started gigging competing with 2 guitarists, I was hitting lots of red lights on the VU !! I decided to add an extension speaker and got a Hartke VX210. TBH I didn't notice too much difference on stage.
    I ended up buying a Hartke HA350 amp and used the 2x10 with this for smaller gigs and band rehearsals and have added another 1 X15 cab for max revs!!
    What I'm saying is - think it through before you add an extension cab, it might be worth buying a bigger amp altogether if you're going down the gigging route because you're going to come to a stage sooner or later where the EB is out of its depth. I use mine for home practice these days and obviously its there as back-up if required.
    PS my extension cab was 8ohms

  3. Been advised to ask this question on here.. Didn't know this bit existed!!
    Just did a gig with a 'proper' sound engineer who advised me that he was getting no signal from my D.I. output from my Hartke ha3500. This worked fine 2 weeks ago. Any ideas what could have happened and is it potentially an expensive repair? In anticipation!!!! :)


  4. Hiya guys...
    Did a gig last week where we had the priviledge of a superb sound rig and also a sound man. I use a Hartke HA3500 and he could get no signal from my D.I. output. ( Checked it with at least 3 different leads ) It worked last time I used it (about 2 weeks ago ). Any ideas why this could be and what is the prognosis??? Is it a potentially expensive repair?

    Regards C

  5. I think its a bit overpriced too.... I paid £200.00 for a HA3500 head ( off here) which is in much better condition with case. I got a 2X10 VX series cab ( off here) 250 watt for £80.00. I got a MAG 115 ( off here ) 250 watt for £80.00 so do the maths.... :rolleyes:

    Unless you're all too generous ( on here!) :)

  6. I use one of these with a Hartke 2X10 cab and Ashdown MAG 115 and I've not had it above half volume for some large pubs competing with a mic'd drum kit and loud guitarist using 2 2X12 Blackstar cabs. If we go to bigger venues then it will go through the PA anyway. You must be making alot of racket for it not to be loud enough! :)

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