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NAS Bass

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Posts posted by NAS Bass

  1. I always send Pre to FOH to give the engineer the cleanest possible signal to work with. Any colouration can come from your cab and if the venue requires it, this this can be mic'd up and mixed on a separate channel. I wouldn't get to wound up about losing "your tone" by going Pre EQ. Work with the FOH engineer. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Pow_22 said:

    Old thread resurrection - does anybody use a carry case for theirs?  Something like a small peli case or maybe a radio mic case?

    Often thought about it and should get one. I take a spare 12AX7 valve in a hard, padded container just in case.


    Funny this should pop up as I used mine at a rehearsal last night in prep for a supplied backline gig soon - I should use it more, all the other OD/DI type pre-amp/amp in a box things don't come close as far as I'm concerned!

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, SH73 said:

    I've read they had an bassist for studio recordings. I have always found The Doors a bit peculiar, nothing to hate nothing to like.

    The final one on the LA Woman album was Jerry Scheff, best known for being in Elvis's TCB Band. He played that excellent Burnin' Love bass line!

  4. Graham Maby

    Paul McCartney

    Bruce Thomas

    Norman Watt Roy

    Mark Bedford

    Billy Cox

    JJ Burnel


    Joe Osborn

    Dee Dee Ramone

    John Paul Jones

    Jim Lea

    Dennis Dunaway


    Dusty Hill

    Carol Kaye

    Randy Jo Hobbs

    Ronnie Lane

    Nick Lowe


    I can honestly say that I enjoy listening to and feel inspired by all of these players, not just the bands that they have been in.

  5. 6 hours ago, tauzero said:

    Nice bit of out of the envelope pushing the box blue sky helicopter thinking. Sorry, I've forgo9tten how managementspeak works. Cracking job there.

    Cheers! Yes, I ran some ideas up the flagpole until I found one worth saluting…

    • Like 1
  6. Sorted! 


    So, having seen some similar ones that wouldn't have worked without compromising the sealed cab, I decided to go for the right sized wheels but on the wrong casters - these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/153660566483




    Removed the old ones, popped out the axel (held in place with a split collar)and placed on the new wheel which is the same size (75x32) as the old ones. The only guess work really was wether the axel would pass through the centre of the wheel but it's a perfect fit. 



    Old One




    New wheel in the old housing








    One happy Berg' NV215




    Thanks so much for the advise and particularly the offer of getting replacements bought and sent from Canada by @BassmanPaul in the true spirit of all that is great about this forum! Paul, I think I saved us a bit of hassle and myself some cash - total for the job was £17.99 and I've still got two spare wheels!

    • Like 8
  7. On a job in the 80's a dispute started when 5 Star came on the radio as to whether the song was called Systematic or System Addict. No internet to look it up obviously and it didn't help when the presenter said the title at the end as it sounded like both - I just had to google to check actually!

  8. 1 minute ago, BassmanPaul said:

    Looking again I see the link leads to TCH Trans Canada Hardware with an office here in Toronto.  If you wish I could buy a pair and send them over to you. We'd need to sort out the money first. $22.50 Canadian each . I don't think that the postage would be anything near $180.



    Thanks for that Paul! Let me see how I get on and I'll get back to you - much appreciated

    • Like 1
  9. My beloved Bergantino NV215 has shed the rubber on one of the casters. Jim Bergantino very helpfully let me know which caster they used on the NV but the US distributors cant send them to UK without charging $160 postage on a $17 item!

    This one:



    I can find very similar online here but not quite


    • Screw holes are a different alignment 
    • The "wheel arch" is a bit smaller and wont seal the cutout on the edge of the cab. Will the gap cause a problem with this being a sealed cab?


    I've thought about just replacing the wheels as the axels pop out but can get the right diameter (75mm) but not the width (35-40mm)


    Any help or advice appreciated!





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