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Posts posted by Chrism147

  1. Thanks guys! really appreciate all your feedback... now to find a suitable left handed bass guitar to start my journey on (any advice on purchasing also appreciated - acoustic / electric)!!! Watch this space for progress, glad I found this website/forum to absorb many years of knowledge from you kind folks!!! 😎

    ps – Roger2611 I can relate to the Ronnie analogy as snooker is the only hobby I'm any good (this was the main distraction when I was 17) - and I'm now lucky enough to have a full size table of my own and have mustered up a 30+ break left handed... 95 right handed mind ;) so if I apply myself I'm sure I can get to where I want to be playing left handed. Who know I could be the next Paul McCartney - I've got the hair since lockdown!


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  2. Hi Guys,

    I wondered if anyone out there would be able to help me please – possibly having been in a similar position maybe?

    I've wanted to learn the bass for many many years but never really committed to it due to time restrictions. However now that the world has tilted slightly on its axis I have a little more time to commit to it.

    There is a catch slight though – in my late teens I had a hand injury and lost a couple of finger ends to my left hand, I lost the end of my index and ring fingers and the dexterity on the middle finger is limited as I have a fused joint. So being right handed would it be better in the long run to learn to play left handed as I have all the digits required to manage chords, fret work, etc even though it doesn't quite feel natural to hold a plectrum in my left hand (I briefly played guitar right handed for about 6 month before my accident, but only really messed around at that point being 17 years old with other interests/distractions being around).

    If anyone could guide me in the right direction I would appreciate it, before I go out and purchase a bass to start on my music journey. I think I know the answer to my question but was concerned that not being a natural feeling would learning left handed take much longer than if I persevered and tried to overcome my handicap which may in the long run hinder the level of play I could get too playing right handed. 

    I look forward to any comments and feedback. Thanks in advance.

    Cheers Chris
    (now aged 47)

    ps - Stay Safe!

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