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Posts posted by FWB

  1. What a handy looking device. So may I just check: this is a preamp/pedal and also doubles up as an amp putting out 45 watts for practice and small jams?

    I'm just wondering if the original poster found it to be loud to be useful at 45 watts. Reading through the pages it seems like there is some debate over if it would be loud enough for small jam-type usage or settings.

  2. Hello everyone!

    I'm new here and returning to bass after some years off. I see more and more 5 strings appearing and was wondering if they're worth exploring? I'm planning to play mainly in locals jams and hopefully establish a covers bands with some former colleagues in the near future.

    I'm interested in something a bit more modern having played Fender basses for many years, many years ago.

    What is worthy of consideration? Should I be concentrating on any other specific details?

    I value quality and I'm happy to invest in a good instrument if it meets my criteria.


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