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Posts posted by arabassist

  1. Hello,

    The idea of a band never appealed to me, mainly because of A-level work, but after seeing bassists play on stage i have the back of my mind telling me "Gowan son, yuo can do be'er dan dat!" (mainly because ive only seen indie rock acts play...so most of the time the bass isnt that 'difficult'). I also think it will be a good oppurtunity to develop skills and have a lot of fun of course. I'm hoping when i go to manchester uni (IF i go to manchester uni) i wanna join a local band and gig.

    However there are more thoughts at the back of my mind worrying me:

    Prob no. 1: I'm 18, been playing for 16 months and i've never been in a band and never gigged in my life before. somebody has to start somewhere tho! how much of a problem would this be?

    Prob no. 2: I really do not understand the electronics of bass. its all these techincal things that get me confused. i play at home with an ashdown perfect ten practice amp, so the only thing i know is: turn on amp, plug in bass, change EQ on amp for desired tone, change volume & tone on bass - you're laughing. what else do i really need to know? ive never used an effects pedal before (i borrow my mates guitar amp and use the overdrive and other crap on it if i 'need' to)

    Prob no. 3: i dont know much theory. for the past couple of months ive stopped learning covers of songs, and begun improvising and messing around with scales, doublestops and triads (ive just been messing round and listening to what sounds and 'feels' right). ive always been pestering my mates, asking Q's about theory and music writing etc. how much more theory should i familiarise with myself?

    I've always been praised for my fingerpicking and the amount of notes im able to pump out, so i dont think my playing technique is much of a problem. i cant slap, so i dont think Level 42 would be happy to have me fill in for Mr. King when he's got swine flu.

    In terms of gear, i've got two basses (see sig). i'm thinking of buying a third one (or change the PUPs on the jazz) if i get my scholarship money (i need three A's :) )

    My main concern is, i dont wanna dissappoint any band im joining in, and i dont wanna look like an ignorant person who doesnt know the difference between fretting the fretboard or his arse.


  2. [quote name='Eight' post='570132' date='Aug 15 2009, 06:56 PM']G D A E... er.. G6/9

    maybe a Emin11b5 without the Bb. I have no idea where my brain was going with that one...[/quote]

    im sorry i didnt understand any of that :)

    [quote]Generally yes I would say the notes GCE would be thought of as a second inversion C major ( so C major with the 6th, G, in the bass)[/quote]

    but i did understand that :rolleyes:

  3. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='569828' date='Aug 15 2009, 12:14 PM']Hi Ahmed.
    I've never gigged this song but I have played the intro and opening riff during one of those "introduce the band" moments.
    I played it from the open D and hammered on at both the 10th and 12th frets. When the riff drops down a string the time sig is the same but there may be a little pause/rest in there. I've never worked it out to be honest![/quote]

    hammer on both eh? no pull off too?

    yeh i guess the pause is when u play the open A.

  4. Hey,

    I'm sure a lot of you have heard this line, i love it, but i cant seem to play the main riff properly! i play it against the track and im always ending up a beat off after a couple of bars. theres also a variation during the riff that i know how to play but cant seem to hear it on the track when im playing to it. playing the riff alone without the track ends up in disaster.

    i have a feeling im playing the riff wrong as well. for example, i play open D, then pluck 10th, hammer on 12th, pull off the D and pluck the 10th on G...then so on...is that not right?

    also, when it the riff all drops by 5 semitones, does the time signature change or am i just hallucinating lol?

    advice appreciated!


  5. [quote name='Hamster' post='564475' date='Aug 9 2009, 09:20 PM']The Gallery is the obvious place to go - but don't turn up drunk! :)[/quote]

    is [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&q=NW1+0TA+maps&um=1&ie=UTF-8&split=0&gl=uk&ei=9UF_SvvTFaOsjAeWnvjwAQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1"]this[/url] it?

  6. Ahoy-hoy-ciao-how-mow-ow,

    Where do you reccomend me to go in london to 'buy' (in other words, pretend i have money and check out as many basses as possible) other than somewhere in denmark street? (lord forgive me for mentioning that cursed name)

    Da gallewee in kamden?

    sorry im drunk (unwell)

  7. Chow-how,

    I've been wondering on whether to get a 5-string for my next bass or not. Other than the obvious benefits of being to able to play lower, these are the following reasons I can think of that i should:

    - although i'm a fan of slim necks, i've played an ibby GSR205 a couple of times and i found it very easy to move between the frets, despite having a fatter neck than the 4 string ibby i had at the time (do all 5'ers have closer string spacing?)
    - when i play i prefer to rest the thumb on the top string as opposed to the pickup, on a four string this makes it more difficult if i need to pluck the E string here and there, but with low B to rest on this wont be a problem
    - i prefer playing higher frets than to playing near the nut, so i can play higher up on the B string, rather than lower down on the E
    - i think they look absolutely sexy (especially the [url="http://www.dv247.com/assets/products/50256_l.jpg"]SR505[/url])

    Are there any other reasons i should consider or not consider a 5 string?

    Oh and a question: do any 5 string players tune it to EADGC?

    Thank you


  8. Hoi Hoi

    Who here can reccomend me a bassline to learn for someone who wants to get into a bit of funk/jazz/blues (anything with lots of fingerpicking and slides and stocatto and uplifting general coolness). The only lines i know of that count as 'funk' would be the flea's stuff - and that involves a lot of slapping which i don't like doing anymore.

    I think, as a bassist who needs to evolve it should be good to leave behind the RHCP, RATM and Muse basslines and step into something more old skl and well.....funky....and happy.

    So far i've heard some Jaco stuff.....i dont know anyone else to look into, so i need your guidance! (pretty please)

  9. [quote name='Russ' post='551565' date='Jul 26 2009, 05:14 AM']Limp Bizkit... great musicians, awful band. All the instrumentalists are fantastic, but it's ruined with stupid, juvenile vocals and imagery.

    Props to Sam though, very good player.[/quote]

    +100000. totally agree.

    they did get more 'mature' with their 'unquestionable truth' album but it sounded very RATM-esque.

    '[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTGdFCPnkac"]The Truth[/url]' has an amazing bass intro (1:00)

  10. I just thought we should give Sam Rivers from Limp Bizkit some love. I'm not a fan of bassists from metal genre (other than Timmy C) so i think this guy stands out a bit.

    He's a good chappah.

    this was one of the first songs i taught myself on the bass. :rolleyes: though i'm still not sure what rhythm to play when it gets to the headbanging bit.

    he makes me wanna buy a 5 string warwick :)

  11. Hey,

    My squier jazz has duncan designed puppies, and on the mettallic bit (sorry i dunno the name, the polepiece?) for the G string seems to be scratched. is this a problem?

    Sometimes when i play violently i rest my thumb too much on the E or A string and i end up thumping the pickup and making awful sounds like goats having orgasm - could this cause any damage?


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