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Posts posted by wazz

  1. I have spent quite some time trying to figure out what was causing my sound to be distorted.
    It tended to get worse the further into the set we got. Generally I play harder as my ears start to shut down as the set goes on.
    Turns out the pickups were set too high and I was overloading the pickups resulting in a weak and nasty sound.
    I've lowered the P/U hight on all my basses now and get a lovely sound with plenty of volume once more..

    Has anyone else experienced this type of distortion?

  2. nothing really extreme about my playing style.
    I broke them on my fender dlx jazz V when playing finger style and also on my Precision 51 reissue when playing with a pick. Hadnt broken one for 15 years before I got these basses.

    They dont break untill they are about 4 gigs old though. I guess it is the extra kink. I must check where they break next time it happens. Its always mid gig and I'm in too much of a hurry to change it to notice.

  3. Are strings more likely to break if strung thru body rather than thru bridge?

    I found that they last about 4 gigs when strung thru the body before the e or a string goes kaput.
    They dont break at all when strung thru the body.
    Is the tone benefit worth it?

    On the plus side, I have become a dab hand at changing strings mid set now. Even changed a whole set(settled in too) in a 10 minute break last saturday. :)

  4. I do like the fender dlx bridge.
    I have one on my Jazz 5 string (5 string version obviously) and like that you can adjust the string spacing.

    I dont like the bridge cover cos I like to mute the strings at the bridge on some tunes.
    Not keen on pickup covers either although they do kinda look cool.
    But thats all just my personal preference.

  5. Cheers for the advice chaps..
    I already string through the body using standard picato strings so the fender bridge wouldnt be a problem...think I might go for one of those rather than the 2 saddle wilkinson.

    unless there are any other suggestions out there......?

  6. I was just wondering what the options might be if I was to choose to replace the bridge on my recently aquired 51 reissue precision.
    The intonation is not the best and its always a compromise between the pairs of strings.

    Any suggestions?



  7. I guess this is a technical issue so I have posted it here.
    My band uses two 3 color lights with a controller. In some venues when we have everything plugged into the same socket we get bad buzzing through he PA.
    If we put the lights on a separate circuit we are fine.
    In the venues where we are limited to a single circuit is there anything we can do to prevent the buzz?
    are there any mains extensions we can use that isolate things?



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