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Posts posted by Lee77

  1. I got mine an alesis nitro mesh drum kit (has a proper bass drum pedal). Can be found for less than £200 second hand. The mesh heads are more like an acoustic kit (apparently) so any switching between should be ok.

    People say the sounds aren't great but I bumped the mids and added a bit of reverb and it actually sounds really good.

    Of course children don't always listen to reason so if he likes the g4m kit get him that, can always be sold and replaced if necessary.


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  2. I am thinking this would simplify my recording problems. 

    1. It can replace my 8 track and allow me to work in loops for recording. Rather than having to rerecord whole sections.

    2. I can load in some nice drum samples to make better drum tracks. Rather than using my old korg which doesn't sound great but is super easy to program.

    And as a bonus I can midi from the electronic drum kit to trigger better samples so it becomes a better drum module.


    I have tried using computer and iPad daws but they are not for me.


    I was wondering if anybody had found any problems in using their MPC one which they would like to share?




  3. I used to hit the strings quite hard with a plectrum owing to me not having an amp to practice with. I anchored my palm/wrist on the body and used a sweatband there to stop blisters.

    Have started playing with a lighter pick and turning up whatever I am practicing with now. I have also found I like a heavily compressed sound, the attack is maybe what I was after rather than volume.

  4. I have an ibanez mikro lefty and it is very light and comfortable so would be great for kids too. I was looking at an epiphone eb0 as an option for flipping from right to left initially.

    The Mikro would get my vote though because it is really nice (had to get mine off gumtree though).

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  5. Does anybody know where I might be able to get a vinyl wrap for a body that fades from blue to white?  Like the Fender Belair paintjob.


    I've not been able to find one but wondered if anybody might have some inside knowledge.


    It's for a dependant who I foolishly took into a music shop.

  6. Budda Chakra Compressor £50, has some permanent marker dots from previous owner but works perfectly.

    As recommended by onvilabs.

    Price includes postage or can arrange collection.





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