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Posts posted by Planemo

  1. Hi Frank

    I got my extension today (my neighbour had taken it in for me!) Many thanks. A query if I may...the instructions you provided with the extension does indeed suggest it is fitted the way that Chiliwailer has done, but this appears different to how you described on the previous page of this thread, where you said that the extension would stop against the original strap button (still in the original place), and a new hole is drilled for the pivot point (rather than the stop point as Chiliwailer has done). This way I think it would allow the extension to swivel all the way round and lie against the back of the bass (and out of sight) when not in use, which I am not sure that Chiliwailers will do. Not sure if I am making sense, but in short if the pivot and stop points were swopped I think it would allow a 180 deg rotation?

  2. Man at C&A haha!

    I agree mate, I am a carbon nut. Many years ago I wanted a carbon briefcase. The only place I could find one was Harrods and I kid you not the price was in the thousands. I ended up taking moulds off the briefcase I had and getting the carbon laid up. Looked awsome when finished, no idea what happened to the case though, got lost somewhere down the line. A carbon bass would be very nice indeed, proper mantlepiece ornament (I am very much into beautiful engineering too).

    Not sure if you have seen this...


  3. Its cool, no worries bud, whatever works for you is all that matters! I dont think it needs to be flipped, in fact the position you have it is just about where I am trying to describe, the only difference being that if it pivoted where your strap button is, I think the extension would be able to rotate 180 degrees and sit behind the body quite nicely. I just read the post by Frank on the previous page and I think this is what he described.

    I might try and find a felt disc for the pivot point to prevent scratches to the body, and maybe a collar to space the extension a little distance from the body to prevent the strap button nut from hitting the body when rotated. I dont have mine yet but will have a look and post pics when done. Good to hear you can now play comfortably standing up! You just need some fancy moves now!

  4. Yes Hiram, not far at all from you. I dont get what the problem is re the bass in the house, personally I find all instruments a thing of beauty and similar, in way, to someone hanging a painting. Oh well, at least with the XT I will be able to find somewhere to put it in the house, if not on show. The Encore is just too big to slot anywhere.

    Speaking of DV247, I was quite keen to go there (Romford), have a good look around and buy the XT at the same time but it was cheaper to order online from DV247 (which I cant understand!). £296 Vs £349, so no small difference either.

  5. Ah yes I know all of those areas well!  Policed them for 11 years. I have only ever lived the other side of the A127 though, in Billericay. I like the place, but if it were down to me I would live in the sticks like my Bro in Suffolk. We are so local to the train and schools though that I cant see me going anywhere just yet.

  6. Cheers all for the welcome, seems like a great community! I know what you mean about numbers 'The Greek', my bro has been into electric guitars for years...he was going to stop buying them when he reached 5, then he got the bug for Flying V's, and ended up with 3 of them as well...! Now he's into building his own valve amps...never ends!

  7. On 13/12/2017 at 00:59, machinehead said:

    Hi Chiliwailer

    I have  spare strap extension that you are welcome to have.  No charge.  Let me know if you want it.  It might be better to wait until the new year before posting due to the Christmas rush?

    You'll have to drill two holes in the extension piece, one at each end,  (easily done) and one hole in the guitar for the extension to swivel on.  It rests against the existing strap button to stop it in the correct positon.  I'll send a pic.


    Hi Frank,

    I am really keen on the idea of your carbon strap extender! Assuming the spare you had went to Chiliwailer, I would really appreciate it if you could send me a pic of what you had so I could consider making up the same for my incoming XT2. The idea of it swiveling and using the stock button to rest against sounds awesome.

    Thanks, Nathan

  8. Howdy!

    I have been browsing the site for some time now and have gone back 90 odd pages on the general discussion forum. Some great info, and still many more pages to go!

    Thought I would sign up and introduce myself before posting. I used to make electronic music many years ago in my twenties, Cubase/samplers/synths etc but always wanted to play a 'proper' instrument. I have always leant towards backing/percussion and my timing has always been good so naturally fell into liking basses. Didnt do much in my 30's due to kids arriving but I was bought a cheap Encore B4 package by my wife around 10 years ago. I loved picking it up and having a fiddle but never actually learnt to do much and it only ever came out every few weeks or so and ended up in the loft (horrors). Fast foward to now, at 46 years young and I got the bug again, helped by my daughter really quite getting into piano and being able to read music quite well. Out came the bass and I am now determined to actually learn something, if only to be able to play along with my daughter. I have been following Scotts Bass videos and am enjoying learning scales and note placements on the fretboard. Still a long way to go and I know this will take time. I also got an app for my phone 'Bass guitar note trainer' which I am finding really helps. I like fiddling with things too so wanted to make the bass a bit more personal to me - it had a black body but I wasnt keen on the white finger plate or chrome fittings. I had some 3M carbon film lying around so the fingerplate got the treatment and I swopped out the machine heads, bridge, all screws, pot knobs, jack fitting and string tree for black versions, as well as a new set of strings for good measure. It now looks how I envisioned and hopefully will give me a little extra incentive! Also sounds a lot more punchy! I will try to upload a pic sometime. Despite the work on the B4, after much deliberation I have also just ordered a new Spirit XT2 as I have always liked them, and having 2 basses is no bad thing right?! To be honest the size could be a real bonus for me- the Mrs was never keen having the B4 in the living room and the only other option is the summer house which can be a bit nippy in winter! I reckon I can keep the XT2 in the house quite easily, which I think is a must to keep things going. Wouldnt mind a carbon strap extender though, and will be posting in a thread where one of your excellent members had mentioned he made one.

    Anyhow, enough about me, thanks for allowing me to join up and gain some knowledge from you guys. Cheers, Nathan.

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