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Everything posted by JB3

  1. JB3

    Hello from Cali

    Thanks for the welcome. Looking forward to it all... JB
  2. Hello Basschat. Just started to learn bass guitar two months ago. I've got a Yamaha TBRX170EW, and a Fender Rumble 15. Been checking out Scott Devine's - Scott's Bass Lessons, Mark Smith's - TalkingBass.net (that's why I joined this UK forum), and a US based guy - Andrew Pouska - StudyBass.com I've been working through all their videos (plus Hal Leonard's - Bass Method). It's been great fun, and my wife can almost recognize some of the riff's I've learned so far. I decided to jump right in and learn basic music theory at the same time as learning to play, as I last looked at that kind of thing when learning piano (hated it) as a kid. It's kind of fun to learn the basics and how they work. I also just bought a Zoom B3n multi effects pedal just for fun - no idea how to use it really or what all the functions are, but it's fun trying to replicate EW&F's "Let's groove" synth bass sound. I'm also thinking, if I keep this up, to eventually switch to a Fender Jazz Bass. Anyway, I'm excited to start checking out all the advice on the forum... JB
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