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Most basic of bassists

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Everything posted by Most basic of bassists

  1. Thanks for the welcome! I suggest you check out a band called Venus Reaction. My good friend David plays guitar for them. I regularly meet with him for a jam when he plays drums and he's a cool guy. They also feature Glen Matlock formerly of the Sex Pistols and Ed Graham, the drummer from Darkness who are another Anglian band from Suffolk.
  2. Thank you for the warm welcoming! The guitarist I work with is in Suffolk too which is a pain when we're all getting together for a jam but we manage. I know the feeling of constantly looking for new gear. I currently have my eyes on a nice bass that's in cash converters. Probably going to trade some old gear for it.
  3. Hello Dad3353 and thank you for the welcoming. I have the Norwich accent too, much to the ridicule of my mates who for some reason all sound posh even though they're from here as well. Gotta love Jack, one of the quirkiest bassists I've heard. I at some point hope to get hold of his signature Epiphone. Not normally a fan of artist sigs but it looks like a great axe. Great beard by the way!
  4. Hello, I'm a 20 something year old bassist from Norwich, home of the hillbilly rednecks of the UK. I started learning bass not long ago after nine years of playing guitar as I was after a change and I quickly felt like my whole musical skill set improved quickly when I picked up the four string and I have fallen madly in love with it too. I have recently formed a band with a guitarist I met in a studio and we then invited a keyboard player to join us and he accepted. They both sing very well (I try to) but we still need a drummer! I like to play many styles of music such as rock, metal, blues, funk, world music, more laid back acoustic stuff etc. Some of my favourite bassists include Jack Cassady, Bruce Foxton, Peter Hook, Cliff Burton, Tina Weymouth, James Jamerson, Justin Chancellor, Horace Panter etc. I am currently sporting a wonderful Ibanez which I play through a Fender rumble. No pedals though, I like to keep my rig simple when playing bass and the rumble has a wide range of tones I can get from it. Hope to meet lots of cool low enders on this site!
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