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Status Replies posted by FirstBass

  1. How much gear is too much? 


    Asking for a friend.....

    1. FirstBass


      I've been tempted to make a list of what kit actually resides in our fungalow, but I think i'd scare myself


      Not the value of it, but the sheer displacement of it all vs the area we actually live in :)


      The loft has become another storage area for all my home build cabs along with "the silver shed" (my dear old mk4 golf that sits outside - can't bear to part with the old girl.)


      Oh and the garage.... 


      and my shed


      Why has Mrs Glambass not left me yet?


      I must be a real catch ;)



    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. I never realised how useful fret markers on the side of the neck were until I played a bass without them.  Shortscale too.  I sound like Les Dawson playing the piano.

    1. FirstBass




      These are what I use. 


      Make sure the neck is clean and grease free before fitting.


      I've lost a few dots at gigs, but there's plenty on the sheets. Different sizes too. 


      They're not hugely bright but they definitely help! 


      Only 3 odd quid so worth a try! 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. I never realised how useful fret markers on the side of the neck were until I played a bass without them.  Shortscale too.  I sound like Les Dawson playing the piano.

    1. FirstBass


      I play in a band that necessitates the use of dark glasses on stage (unfortunately)


      I bought a sheet of glow in the dark dots from e bay and they have been worth their weight in gold. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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