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Posts posted by Kellboy

  1. Just posting to say I love FN!. I used to live in Essex so went to see them all the time! As for tabs I can't help you there. Use those ears of yours :) it's certainly drop tuned for guitars and I know the bassist plays a fiver.I will have a little noodle later and see if I can add anything. Just try to find the notes in the octave above then you know the tabs for the lower key .

  2. Didn't expect this thread to take off. I didn't go for the corvette in the end. So much stuff has Come up for sale and I have seen a streamer body with double buck pickups so that style has massively taken my interest.

    I'd still love to try a thumb but they are the only Warwick that holds their retail value. Which says alot about their Popularity!

  3. [quote name='danonearth' timestamp='1496371426' post='3310883']
    [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Good day all,

    I am wondering how often people use the pinky finger (on the fret hand)? I am experimenting with different scale patterns and it is starting to hurt using the traditional 'box' scale position...


    ...so I am favouring a more spread out position (which doesn't seem to hurt my pinky as much, but I have also even just begun playing it with index-middle-ring fingers and no pinky at all)


    Just wondering how much I should be relying on the pinky for fretting on the bass? I use it extensively on a guitar, but on bass it tends to get a bit sore, as I think I might be over-using it a bit?

    Note: I have been playing for a while, so it is not a 'beginner's muscle development issue...


    Using your examples, I will list how I would use my fingers for those scales . 1=index 2=middle 3=ring finger 4= pinky


    [i] 1,3 1,2,4 1,3,4[/i]


    [i]1,3,4 1,3,4 1,2 [/i]

    Right handed self taught player, It takes some time to develop the strength and flexibility in your pinky but its essential to play certain lines cleanly with economic movement across strings.

  4. I never had issues with the wide neck fingerboard. I do have long fingers. Adjusting to narrow spacing will take me some time ( only an issue for me with slap) but loads of bassists manage so confident I can refine a technique. Wide spacing seems to be rare now anyway so for the best really.

  5. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1508745715' post='3394052']
    I have a Ltd corvette with bartolini humbuckers, it's one of the best sounding Warwicks I have owned, I bet it's a quality bass ☺️

    Thanks for the response!

  6. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1508691104' post='3393828']
    This looks similar to the one you had if you fancy another!


    It certainly is, and almost the same price as I payed for one brand new!!!

    Would love opinions on this.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Basse-warwick-/282700113719?hash=item41d23d6737:g:qxAAAOSw~RNZl13U

  7. 4 or 5 string? I had the broadneck 5 and loved it so much. I've actually tried to reach out the guy I sold mine to on a extremely slim chance he still has it and wants to sell it back (I sold it in 2011) !!

  8. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1508354315' post='3391670']
    Balance on a Thumb does seem to vary and the older models do seem to fair better than the new ones. Pretty much zero on my '89.

    Quite different basses, Streamers and Thumbs. Very different tone, particularly the 5 string versions I assume you will be looking at, different neck widths as standard as well. Feel very different on strap, not just balance issues but the first position is further away from the body on a thumb, will be more noticeable the higher up you have it on the strap.

    For me, Thumbs are fantastic instruments and have always preferred them to Streamers. Currently have one of each though... :)

    Pics Please !!, and this man is why I'm so interested in a thumb, that Tone is KILLER! Ryan Martinie is awesome [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmjX2S04DEQ"]https://www.youtube....h?v=wmjX2S04DEQ[/url]

  9. [quote name='woolf' timestamp='1508351417' post='3391636']
    I'm a big fan of the Thumb however it took me a while to find one that balances well, happened to be an '89. I also have a Dolphin Pro 1 which has a different tone but balances perfectly and the stretch to the 1st fret is less.

    If you're in South Wales you could check Bass Direct - not a million miles away and they often have some used Warwicks in stock.

    Just checked their site and they do have some, still about 1hr 30 each way! They have a nice Streamer LX for 950, very nice! Not sure on that string spacing, looks tight.

  10. [quote name='Chopthebass' timestamp='1508350110' post='3391622']
    I had a Thumb through neck and whilst it looks pretty cool, the neck dive made it very tiring to play. And like you I play it quite high up. I was looking for a Streamer Stage II 5 string for ages but never came across a good used one. Expensive now too!

    Damn, I need to try one but that's unlikely we don't have many music stores in south wales... Tell me about it, a similar build stage 1 to mine is now 4k new!!!!! I payed half that in 2006!!

  11. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1508337999' post='3391459']
    The Fortress body is bigger than that of a Corvette, and more stable, with no neck-dive at all. That one is a Rockbass rather than the 'real deal', but it sounds and plays great. I've tuned it down half a step and the low B shows no problem with floppiness or buzz. :)

    Warwick released and updated Fortress model a couple (?) of years ago, and I'm told those sound fantastic. :)

    Theres a genuine german 5 string fortress on ebay atm for a good price, brass frets and all. I think Im too set on getting a near match on my ol streamer, should never have let it go (but needing to pay rent does that)

  12. HI guys, new poster here so 1st off I will say hi!!

    I decided to join up and post to share my pain haha. Been playing bass on and off for over half my life now, and I used to own a 2005ish Warwick streamer stage 1 NT 5 string with the wide neck. I sold it many years ago when money was super tight and now after picking up bass again actively am GUTTED i got rid of it. I bought a fender jazz bass to give me something nice to play and it sounds amazing, but its no warwick :( .

    It seems Warwick have changed alot over the years and I find the old Warwicks with the gold hardware are hard to come by and new ones dont seem as nice. Ive been watching loooads of videos of the streamer stage 1 and the Thumb, and I cant decide which sound I like more! Never played a thumb but they sound cool. Ive heard alot about neck dive issues but I play my bass pretty high up (the "proper" way ) :) and some say it isnt an issue.

    Of the Thumb and streamer which do you prefer and for what style? I used my streamer for covers band doing 70s and 80 rock so didnt sound traditional but i thought it sounded great! Anyone know the weight differences between the two as well? I seem to remember the streamer feeling heavy but never had issues playing it standing up for hours.

    Would love to see pics of your warwicks. heres one of the only photos of me playing mine!!

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