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Posts posted by anthomp

  1. When i gig i always, always take the same two basses.
    home basses if you like.
    a five string Pedulla i bought from somebody here (always no.1)like a worn in pair of jeans.
    and a butterscotch fender dlx jazz iv that i always did my learning on,
    these two go with me everywhere
    i have many other basses that dont get the gig, like the Roscoe becks 2x 5's and a 4,great basses
    also a whole bunch of antigua fenders always look great to me,couple of ray's etc.etc.
    but like your favourite pair of trainers, you pick the same first every time.

    i would feel a twat if after 40 plus yrs, it was me who ride cymbal'd the headstock on a pub gig .

    yes i stand that side

  2. Simon Jones near Swansea was mentioned earlier aznd nobody could personally vouch for him.
    I can, really nice guy too!
    Turned a 5er that i have but never really liked that much, into a regular gigger
    Sounds great ,feels great.
    Prices seem fair to me


  3. Hello
    i'm spending the rest of the day replying to pm's,taking photos of requested
    and a few others to go on sale
    also putting up a list of prices
    As Russ said the sei he sold me a while back is "tidy"as we say around here.
    My purchase was a fender p 65 you may have seen on the bay' also "tidy".

    The sei, Toasted is only changed by 1 mini toggle which is black but a pic will be posted today


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