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Posts posted by iamthewalrus

  1. [quote name='Toasted' post='362862' date='Dec 24 2008, 03:11 PM']Yes, I have been since 2003. It's a fantastic resource and very friendly. A very well run/funded forum too.[/quote]

    +1 to this, have been a member for the same amount of time. Definitely a forum where you have to use the search function as it's bloomin' enormous!


  2. Hi all,
    I've got a 1980's Trace Elliot head which is surplus to requirements, so have decided to put it up for sale.

    It's an AH500 which I think dates back to about 1985/86. I bought it 2nd hand from the Bass Centre in Wapping 12 years ago - was gigged regularly between 1997 & 2006. There are quite a few battle scars on the casing, the uv light doesn't work & the control knobs on the rear for the seperate inputs wobble a bit. Dimensions: 20.5" x 7" x 16.5".

    The good news is that it does work - the only reason why I don't use it is that I got a new amp for a wedding present from my wife (otherwise I'd still be using it). It is loud (in true Trace Elliot fashion). As it's taken a beating over the years, all I'm asking is £100. If you're interested, please feel free to PM me. Buyer collects from either Reading or Chessington as the weight is considerable. Pics below.


  3. Hi all,
    I've decided to put my Yamaha BBN5 up for sale again - too many basses!!

    It's a Black Yamaha BBN5 - this is the basic model that was issued in the mid 90's. However, this one has had a modification in an EMG BTC circuit has been fitted (by Chris at The Bass Centre when they were in Wapping). It's also been recently set up by Guitar Works in Reading, & also comes with a set of Schaller straplocks & soft gigbag (Tribal Planet).

    There are a few very small dings in the back & some tiny ones on the headstock. Overall condition is excellent & has been well looked after in the 12 years I've been the owner. Sounds pretty good & would make a good first 5 string bass for someone out there. Am asking £125 - buyer collects from Reading or Chessington. Pics below.


  4. [quote name='AM1' post='353836' date='Dec 13 2008, 07:50 PM']Hiya

    Apologies for raking up old threads!

    Could you please point me towards the source of this article if possible?

    Many thanks


    Hi guys,
    This article originally appeared in a copy of "Bass Player" in the early 90's & the bulk of it can be found in Ed Friedland's book "The Working Bassists Toolkit" (Backbeat Books) where Ed focuses on different ways of using the major scale & your mentronome in various ways (it's the first chapter in the book).

    The book itself is a great book as it also takes in ear training, doubling on both acoustic & electric, reading chord charts, & lots of really good advice on function gigs, jazz gigs & loads of other stuff.


  5. Another Crafter owner here (5 string ABG) - primarily use it for practicing, but I'm sure I'll gig it at least once in the future. I think it would struggle in a purely acoustic setting & the low 'B' wouldn't pop through as it's a 32" scale.


  6. [quote name='OldG' post='334341' date='Nov 22 2008, 12:04 PM']Yup, me too..[/quote]

    Another one here - decided I wanted to be in a band after reading "A Beat Concerto". Never knew Bruce used a Musicman - any pics anywhere?

    Great YouTube video - I take it there's a DVD of it somewhere?


  7. I would go with what a few other guys on this thread have already said - get yourself a teacher who is exclusively a bass player. Not sure whereabouts you're based, but have a hunt around your local music shops in the ads there & there's a fairly good chance at least one of them will be a teacher who is a bassist first & foremost. If not, you may have to go further afield (My bass teacher lives about 20 odd miles from where I live, so it's a fair trek for a lesson or two a month but it is definitely worth it).

    Without trying to state the obvious, bass guitar is a different animal to it's six string compadre - I've had lessons in the past from guitar players who "also played bass" & it didn't work for me either.


  8. I was driving home from work last night & caught the last hour of Chris Evans show on R2 & he played "You Mke Me Feel So Very Happy" by Blood, Sweat, & Tears.

    I was absolutely blown away by the bass playing of Jim Fielder on that track - great melodic playing which didn't get in the way of either the song, or the other instruments. I'd forgotten what a great bassist he is (according to Wikipedia, he's playing with Neil Diamond?). Definitely a player in the mould of Jamerson & Joe Osborn.

    Any other Jim Fielder fans here?


  9. [quote name='chris_b' post='302271' date='Oct 8 2008, 03:31 PM']Mmm. I'm not sure that a multi-million album selling, Grammy Award winning, world touring, stadium filling band who have become millionaires in a 35 year career really qualifies as underrated![/quote]

    Sorry about that...an underestimation on my part.


  10. I thought her first three albums were really good - managed to see her a few times in the late 80's / early 90's in London.

    Mike Visceglia always plays great lines that compliment her songs - another bassist who probably wouldn't make a lot of people's top 10 or even top 100 bass players. Bit of a shame that he doesn't get a lot of interviews (I don't think BGM have done one on him - have Bass Player?).

    memory escapes me what his website is, but there are some good interviews he's done with other players (Will Lee, Colin Moulding, Jeff Berlin & Neil Stubenhaus are the standouts).


  11. Another Dan fan here - I got into listening to them relatively late (last 8 years). Was very lucky to get a ticket for the Hammersmith gig last year & didn't come away disappointed as they played a lot of my favourites on the night. I rate the 2 Against Nature DVD very highly - Tom Barney & Ricky Lawson are totally in the pocket on that one!

    In case anyone in the South East is interested, there's a great trio called "Be Sharp" who gig in the Kent / Surrey / Essex / Hampshire / Berkshire area throughout the year who have a few SD songs in their set.

    Steely Dan - Very underated band (IMO).


  12. My first bass - a Sunburst "Craftsman" Precision copy with a Maple neck & board which I bought for £99 at Macari's in London in 1985.

    Was an ok starter bass but soon went onto a twin pickup Ibanez RB750 which was my first proper gigging bass about 5 months later. As far as I know, a mate of mine who was in my first band still has the P Bass.


  13. I usually take only one - if I'm doing a party or a wedding I'll take a backup (pref. one that can switch between active & passive if the battery goes, but that's rare as I change batteries frequently).

    Haven't got room in the car for a spare amp, so in the case of the amp dying, it's straight into the desk.


  14. Hiya,
    Thanks to everyone who's replied - there's a lot of food for thought there to say the least, so I'll do some adjusting with the amp settings on the Yamaha. I'll also see what the effect of turning the horns down does.

    As much as I'd love to go back to using a 15, it's a case of me having to get on with what I've got....


  15. Hiya,
    This ones for the Epifani users on here - wonder if anyone can help or if I'm just thick? (Mods - feel free to move if in the wrong part of the forum).,

    I've got two Epifani UL110's which are being powered by a Yamaha BBT500H. This setup replaced my two Peavey cabs (a 1 x 15 & a 2 x 10) & a Trace AH500 head. I've been using this setup for about a year now & I seem to be missing a bit of oomph in the bass end (got the top & midrange fine) - both cabs have got an HF horn. Is it a case of turning down (or even turning off) one of the HF horns & boosting the other?

    I know I shouldn't really expect thundering lows out of this setup (couldn't go back to lugging full size cabs again) but is this the way foirward or am I missing something?

    Looking forward to any help or pointers.


  16. Hi,
    Have got a Jazz 5 like the Woodster - have had mine for four years now & have never been disappointed with it. It's got a 35" scale & the B sounds just as good as the B on my TRB5. It sounds exactly like a Jazz should.

    I can't say enough good things about the bass & the guys at Overwater, but I think there's a couple of lads who've already posted on here who know that anyway....


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