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Posts posted by drake

  1. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1496268091' post='3310160']
    Well in that case as you like the Ashdown tone then the ABMs are def worth looking at. That`s what I use, although I get all of my tone via my Para Driver as Al Krow mentioned. Very grindy/toppy/Ampeggy-like. I`ve found of all the different amps I`ve used that the Sansamps seem to pair the best with Ashdown.

    Do you put the Sansamp before the input of your ABM or into the effects return? If into the main input, where do you DI from, the head or the Sansamp?

  2. Maybe stick with Ashdown? The ABM 500's give a hell of a lot of grunt for the money, particularly s/h. A good 410, again maybe ABM. I wouldn't get too hung up on having only one 4 ohm cab either. You don't really lose anything running at 8 ohms, a bit of headroom perhaps, but not at normal stage volumes.

  3. Having owned a V4BH (NOT to be confused with a V4-B), two lasting memories were that its was very low powered, even for a 100w amp, and that the break up wasn't too pleasant. I found it to be at its best with an Ampeg SVT15 cab in a studio setting where I could almost coax B-15 tones from it.

  4. Ashdown ABM 610 has been serving me well for the past few years. Punchy, full sounding, handles tons of power - couldn't want more really. I have owned and played lots of large / mid-sized cabs (including lightweight) and if Im honest, this performs as well as some of the 'marque' brands. Obviously only one factor in the rig but for me it really gets the job done well.

  5. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]VT1-EQ-Di-Bass MK2 user here. This has got me out of so many tight positions (studio, rented/shared backline etc). I really love the tone that I get using this and never go to gigs or studios without it. As I don't use any other effects I'm not too concerned about the power supply. The paint job isn't an issue as they can be had in plain colours, I went for plain cream. Some of the handwritten markings have rubbed off on mine[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]What I would like to be able to do is footswitch between the EQ/drive setting and kick in the colour and boost at the same time? Would probably mean a bigger pedal though? I'm not a great fan of blend controls either.[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]High and low sweepable mid [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]controls would be really cool[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I don't use the headphone or line in, but thats just me.[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]With regards damaging switches and the valve, a bespoke hard case would be a cool option? I cannot find anything that suits - suggestions welcome if anybody has sourced something![/font][/color]

  6. [quote name='Elfrasho' timestamp='1493846922' post='3291306']
    I'm an '82 dude, but for fender I don't think that Was a good period.

    1982 was the year of the gorgeous Fullerton re-issues, some of Fenders best bass guitars!! I'd love one but if I'm to follow the spirit of this thread I'll be shelling out for a pre-CBS '63.....

  7. [quote name='omikin' timestamp='1493383877' post='3287961']
    Just snagged an Evo II for £220, so I think this discussion may be redundant in terms of what I might end up buying...

    Excellent choice at a great price!

  8. I've got a 500 EVO II and a III. Not too much difference. The 2 doesn't have the compressor but I dont use it anyway. The 2 is a touch darker but nothing that cant be EQ'd to taste. Both very meaty sounding and can get as loud as you like - I pair mine with an ABM 610.

  9. [quote name='haysy' timestamp='1493044954' post='3285141']
    Thanks drake, is it just the amps that are maybe variable quality? I suppose not much to go wrong with a good speaker design and the right qualitty parts? I get it tomorrow in time for band rehearsal so we'll see.

    I'm not sure about the PRC heads as all of mine have been older UK built ones. Do you know what the 'variable quality' is? Or is this a forum rumour/speculation because manufacture has switched overseas??

  10. [quote name='haysy' timestamp='1492981848' post='3284659']
    Thanks blunderthumbs. How do I know if it's uk or China production. When did Ashdown move production there?
    Is the quality compromised in the opinion of the very knowledgeable on BC?
    I want to pair it with a uk made 550 tourer, but not if it won't do it justice.....

    The PRC ABM cabs are just fine, you have no worries there

  11. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1493037860' post='3285031']
    Could have been worse.

    He could have yelled "Play something [u][b]you [/b][/u]know!"

    ..and this is why I have avoided being in bands that do mainly pub gigs for a long time now. Unless that pub has a specific clientele, the average pub crowd just want 'something we know'. Its a shame, pubs are dying, pub rock with them and very few music venues

  12. [quote name='Steve Browning' timestamp='1492597314' post='3281457']
    Hi. I reckon you want a bass with a B profile. These were prominent in the late 60's and early 70's and is my favoured neck. Just a bit wider than a Jazz and less than a full blown Precision like yours.

    Agreed. I have a '78 B neck Precision. Due to Fender QC at the time, they don't all come up exactly the same, so shop around. I have never found one so comfortable and am considering having a custom builder copy it!

  13. The JJB has got a whole load of headroom on tap as I remember from using one and always responded best to being hit hard in the front end while pick playing. Now, who was it voiced for........???

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