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Posts posted by DDR

  1. 10 hours ago, joel406 said:

    I don't get it either. I was slow to make the move at first because every 5 I played had a floppy B string. But the Fender surprised me. Got one and never looked back. Now I "personally" consider 4 string useless. Without that B string it ain't a real bass. With that being said. I remind people that is how I feel. And doesn't reflect or intend to influence how others view the instrument. I just feel 4 string instruments are no more than toys. But there are people out there that can really make their toys talk. 


    next level haha

  2. On 30/05/2024 at 18:09, joel406 said:

    You got a good one. But there are better. People swear by MM basses. Necks kinda chunky for me. I've played a lot of 5'ers over the last 10-15 years. The Fender American Pro series did it for me. Just love the necks. But all that is subjective and what works for others may not be for you. I did find that when I moved to 5 string that 4 string began to seem obsolete. 5 is so much easier. Don't be afraid to commit. 3 months after I got my first good 5 string my 4s went on the block. Now I have nothing but 5s. 7 of em actually.


    As a drummer who used to frown at a bassist with more than 4 strings but now plays bass in many different contexts, it's interesting to note that the low B appears to be very useful.


    Not sure why the subject is prone to debate 

  3. 1 hour ago, BillyBass said:

    Yeah that Stingray does look lush!  But, my budget wouldn't go that far either.


    I'm waiting to see if the project I've joined has legs.  As soon as we get our first gig, I'll get a second fiver.


    There was someone selling one of those Stingrays here for 1800 with mono case... I was looking at loans... If it's still there....

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  4. 59 minutes ago, BillyBass said:

    Hi Dave


    I've been tempted recently to get one of the Sire P5R fivers, at Andertons.  I'll be interested to hear how you get on with this.


    What was the bass you liked but was too dear?


    I tried a Reverend Mercalli 5 up in Glasgow when I bought my Decision P, I was mainly focussing on the 4 stringer but I do remember being pleasantly surprised by the B string and the weight.


    I have to use a fiver for my current project but I'd rather be playing my 4 string basses, I won't be getting rid of mine.


    Hey Billy


    Yeah, I tried the P5R, V5R (with the 24 frets) first because this was my budget. I generally felt pretty uncomfortable with the 5 strings there but was surprised to feel more comfortable on the V than the P. I also felt the soundscope was more vibrant... I guess just brighter 😉


    Then I picket up a couple of Music Mans there. Kinda wish I hadn't. The second one was this one :




    I swear I suddenly started playing like I'd been playing 5 strings all along! Had to run out of there 😔 


    This p5 was really cheap as B stock at Thomann and even though I hadn't gotten on with the P5R so well I decided to risk it and just put my fingers to work.

    I found it surprisingly good today though.


    I'd love a Mercalli obvs but more than twice as expensive.


    I know everyone says this but I think this sire P for the money is crazy good and if I decide to keep it can always upgrade the hardware so....

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  5. An almost reluctant but inevitably enjoyable NBD. 


    I have a gig coming up in October that I need a 5 string for... I could have probably got away with a 4 tuned DGCF but... I thought it was time to get to grips with this.


    Of course I went to a nice store in Guildford where I tried all the 5s and the most comfortable and best sounding one was about 2K out of my budget so, after crying, I walked out the store kind of hurt inside and went home to ponder. 


    I found that bass here second hand  only 1K out of my budget but I still couldn't justify it... 

    This time with less outside tears but more internal turmoil I went and bought the cheapest-good 5 string I could find in Europe and this morning it arrived.


    I have to say, I've been feeling pretty good about it so far. The plan is to learn and then, if it is that 5 strings is the way for me go I'll find myself in Guildford again with the holy grail of 5 that I'd tasted that day.


    Happy learning days


    Peace 🕊️ 


    • Like 12
  6. 15 hours ago, AMV001 said:

    I'm also not a fan of these metal framed pedal boards. Its easy to set up earth loops via the pedal chassis and frame. I'd recommend covering the whole of the front of the frame with velcro in order to isolate the pedals from the frame i.e so none of the outside of the pedals (or the jack plugs) are touching the bare metal of the board.

    fair shout that yeah!

  7. 16 hours ago, AMV001 said:

    I think I see your problem there- that daisy chain power cable. You should be running all these pedals off a dedicated power supply with fully isolated outputs.


    Also- what is that PSU rated at?

    that would be a bit much wouldn't it? I have 8 going to the MXR Brick and the 9th on it's own powersupply... would have to buy 8 ps and 2 4x4 ;)

  8. 1 hour ago, AMV001 said:

    OK. Give us your exact signal chain.


    Reverrend Decision P, Octabvre, FC accountant, FC Randy's Revenge, FC Shallow Water, The Raster II, Wah Wah, Empress Reverb, Blooper Looper, Sans Amp - to their DI


  9. 8 hours ago, tauzero said:

    Presumably this was using a DI - did you try using the ground lift on the DI?

    i used my Sansamp (it doesn't have one) but to reach their 80's yamaha console from the stage we were going though a berhinger DI they had,,, ground lift didn't make a difference


    7 hours ago, AMV001 said:

    A first step would be to try to clarify the terminology. Are you sure you mean buzz and not hum? Many people use these two words interchangeably but they are not the same thing. Hum would be indicative of an earthing problem and the causes of it (and the solutions to solve it) are many and varied. Buzz, however, is usually inducted noise from another source and must be dealt with differently.


    So firstly, was the noise a constant tone that didn't change with the position of your gear or your orientation i.e which direction you faced? Did the noise go away if you touched your strings or another part of your gear (amp chassis, jack plug casing etc)


    When you moved around or changed direction did the volume or tone of the noise change?

    yes hum is more appropriate i think... no difference when i moved or touched the strings

  10. 19 hours ago, JoeEvans said:

    It would be wireless from your guitar to the pedal chain. The pedals will still be running off mains. So no help with the buzz but might stop you from getting electrocuted!

    Personally I would look at an RCD socket adapter instead, to deal with any safety risk. For the hum, hopefully someone more knowledgeable can step in but I believe there are filtered four-ways available to protect IT gear against dodgy mains that might be worth a look.

    good sense of priorities!! thanks for the reminder! me first :)

  11. 6 hours ago, NancyJohnson said:

    From a safety perspective, treat yourself to a cheap wireless setup.

    Right but I need 8 pedals... What's that gonna be? I've seen those thomann 2 pedal portable battery things.... 

  12. Yeah... So I'm improvising 50 minutes of music on bass with all my pedals for a theatre show in Athens.


    Rehearsals (or rather test runs) went well but then on the first show night the buzz coming out the PA was pretty awfull. Sound engineer was trying to blame my grar but I've played with that set up in many places before without a problem...


    I'm assuming the venue's electricity is not grounded or something? Quite common in Athens apparently.


    I'm doing the show there again in two weeks, any tips that don't involve fixing the venue electrics?


    Thank you!

  13. On 17/02/2024 at 17:48, Cheeto726 said:

    I've been learning bass for about 6-7 months. I've had a bass for about a year but never really played it until then. I'm taking lessons every week but I feel like I'm not headed the way I want. My teacher is AMAZING and has a lot of patience and is bad ass bassist and musical GENIUS! It's me that's the issue. I tried guitar but didn't "feel it" like I do a bass. I'm 30 years old so I am a bit older. I was in band all my middle and high school life and played a brass instrument and the way I learned was by listening and watching. I never really learned music theory. What do you all think? I know everyone says learn theory but I just never could really get it. I feel stuck just trying to learn songs and tabs and feel like I'm not getting anywhere... 

    Hey, i used to be a drummer and i didn't like theory, felt like i didn't need it. When i started to play bass it was obvious that to a certain degree i couldn't get away without it (depends on what you want to play obviously)... Sometimes an amazing bass player and a musical genious is not the answer to great teaching though. I started off with a really simple Youtube series :



    This really helped me. I love the way he talks to you like you're a 2 year old :) it was what I needed at the time!

    Hope you find it usefull


  14. 18 hours ago, TheGreek said:

    How could you show the damage "was 100% attributable to the tech while they worked on it," 

    I'd be concerned about ruining a good relationship with my luthier over something that may not have been their fault.

     this is true, but actually this is the first time i went to this place as my old tech moved away. So I guess the new question is : if you were 99% sure the new tech did it, would you bring it up and or would you ever go back to him?

  15. So... you got your brand new bass, it's shiny and gloriously perfect.


    You take it to a tech for a minor adjustment


    When you go to pick it up you notice nothing wrong, you're extremely happy to have your bass back and in fact you go straight to a recording session and play it all night and just simply enjoy that great tone and feel.


    The next morning, you take it out the case and do some routine practice and suddenly... it's not dust, it's not a watermark, it's not some fluff from your jumper...


    It's a tiny chip right on the edge of your brand new sparkling bass...


    Do you :


    A. call up the tech and ask him straight if this happened accidentally during his 'operations'

    B. call up the band and see if when you went to the toilet someone picked it up and accidentally dropped it on a pin on a nail on the floor but then couldn't face saying anything

    C. say nothing and accept that these things happen

    D. take it to the same tech and ask him to fill in the chip while looking to read him for his reaction

    E. ....................................................................................................... (make a suggestion why not?)


    Would love to hear your opinion on the matter


    Hope everyone is well





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