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Posts posted by NAS

  1. Hi Birdy, this is all just assumption at the moment as I haven't been involved in a previous Bass Bash. If it is to be just a day without any stay overs then I would assume we run the day over a period wide enough for a number of people to come and go depending on travelling requirements e.g. from say 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. We're pretty flexible so if people need to be extra early or late that can be catered for. I would also assume food and drink of some sort would need to be provided at elevenses, lunch and teatime. I gather from previous Bass Bash commentaries that puddings are important! If a significant number of people want to stay later then a supper may be justified too! Once (if) we have a quorum of people who are interested in doing this, then we can poll for views and preferences. As I'm new to this I'll need to rely on you "old hands" to spread the word to the right people and coordinate preferred dates and times, and food preferences. Hope that helps, Nick S

  2. Hey Gazm, I've PM'd you with contact details so you can distribute as appropriate. If people are willing to come this far then we will need to arrange a date. Space and parking are no issue but the distance may be too far for some. I've also got a P.A. if anyone wants to go multi instrumental or vocal. My amplification includes SWR SM900 linked to Epifani UL210 + 115, an Ashdown 300W 210 combo, and an SWR Workingman 12. For some reason I haven't been able to set up email alerts for subscribed threads but I'll keep checking in to see what's happening. Nick S

  3. Hi, I'm based in the West Midlands (near the town of Cleobury Mortimer which is not far from Kidderminster) so may be too far out for a gang from the East Midlands. I do have a house which would be big enough to act as a venue if catering could be arranged. You can see some of my past basses (unfortunately most had to go recently) on the ubiqitous MySpace site scrolling pictures

    Sorry, forgot MySpace URL: [url="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=79992414"]http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=79992414[/url].

    Let me know if this could be of interest. Nick S

  4. Hello to all on Basschat. Is it me or is the name getting toned down with each change? World > Talk > Chat > Mutter.
    Well a sad goodbye to Bassworld and then Basstalk.
    Hope to get a bit more active as personal situation improves.
    Haven't played in what seems like an age - must be some bands out here on the Worcestershire/Shropshire borders, but a lot quieter than North London!
    Nick S

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