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Posts posted by LegateNaarifin

  1. I have 5 of the things.

    My pair of 6 stringers which take up 90% of my attention

    My fiver which I really ought to play more often, it just feels so nice to play

    A cheap P-bass clone, my first bass, which I sometimes play but should probably depart with at some point

    And a double humbucker purple thing which currently has no strings on. My excuse is that if I stick some new p'ups in it, it'll sound sweet (in my mind, at least 😆), so I just call it my "project bass" when the S.O asks

    This seems to be the sweet spot for me, sufficient to deflect any bass GAS I've come across so far (doesn't help with pedal GAS though, I don't think anything could!)

  2. Technically a bass and drum jam, but most bass solos are really, so I think this counts. Saw them play a variety of this (Munich Jam) at Reading Fest last year, what a fricking great moment, Chris has some amazing chops when he gets the chance to just go for it

  3. Here's one! I'm big into a lot of metal bands, from the classics to modern stuff. Currently (finally!) listening my way through the less popular Metallica albums (some absolute gems on St Anger IMO)

    Your YouTube channels looks awesome, I'm definitely going to go through it all at some point :)


    On 14/07/2018 at 01:31, leschirons said:

    Me, I like this one.


    I've been eyeing Stash basses for a good long while, the price tag is monstrous but I mean, look at that thing! That is a statement

  4. Both Three Days Grace albums since Adam left. I really didn't want to be one of the annoying "it's different and therefore worse" crowd, but the songwriting has been so generic with Matt at the helm, I can't get through more than 2 songs in a sitting (although, their cover of You Don't Get Me High Anymore was well done, which goes to show the vocals aren't the problem)

    And I'm going to mirror the Jaco comments above, I've never really gotten into anything I've heard by him, and not through lack of trying. Same goes for the Beatles, don't think I'd sit through an album of theirs

  5. 3 hours ago, SpondonBassed said:

    I'd favour an audio version too but I think we have to consider the yoof.  An audio only podcast might not be engaging enough for younger minds.

    Akio, I don't know if you had an AV presentation in mind or audio only.

    As a yoof myself, I'd much prefer an audio only podcast, something to listen to while getting uni work done, without a video to distract from said work.

    I think overall this is a really exciting idea 😀

    • Like 2
  6. 51 minutes ago, bassix said:

    I have all this to look forward to, we're after a new drummer.. Any suggestions on places to look beyond gumtree?

    JoinMyBand has a pretty decently sized user base, as always drummers are in short supply but it's worth a shot

  7. First thing that comes to mind is a Marcus Miller P7. P body, jazz neck, PJ pickups, plus active preamp. Easily found for under £500 new. Not sure about weight as I've not owned one, but should be fairly light (especially the alder models).

    Not sure about Squires/Fenders specifically, I'm sure others will though

    • Like 3
  8. 42 minutes ago, GazWills said:

    lots of bass whammy pedals on some of these boards! I picked one up today, good lord it's awesome!! having so much fun and coming up with so many riffs and ideas... annoyingly it means a bigger pedalboard on the horizon...

    Reissuing that thing was probably the smartest move Digitech have made in a good while, loads of people have bought one! (I'm included in the ranks, naturally) And I agree, it's an idea powerhouse, so many cool sounds 😁

  9. Updated board!


    New additions are the Darkglass Alpha Omicron, Boss TU-3, and a midi channel selector for the bass whammy (I jump between quite a few of the settings, and the twiddleknob just isn't practical for that). I've said goodbye (for now) to my envelope filter and tremelo

    Current signal path is:

    Bass -> (passive DI box) -> tuner -> whammy -> flanger -> B3K overdrive -> Boss LS-2 (channel A -> Alpha Omicron, channel B -> Aftershock) -> Two Notes preamp (effects loop: send -> delay -> reverb -> return) -> amp

  10. 2 hours ago, blablas said:

    Guess what?
    A few new pedals.
    Boss overdrive replaced by a EQD Westwood, EH Canyon (was used as a shimmer) replaced by a TC electronic Fluorescence shimmer  reverb.
    Canyon moved to after the Boss reverb as a clean delay.
    Moved around a few things on the secondary board, no changes to the chain after the Canyon.

    I get the feeling your pedalboards are what pedal-phobes imagine whenever they hear anyone talking about pedals

    • Haha 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Happy Jack said:

    So, how did my audition go? Judge for yourselves - here's the edited highlights with all the cockups skilfully and surgically removed:

    Sorry @Happy Jack, you missed one. There's a big cockup stood to your left, wielding a Strat, a harmonica, and the ability to play almost nothing, and yet still be playing too much :shok:

    • Haha 2
  12. On 5/17/2018 at 15:19, Happy Jack said:

    I actually started to get trolley GAS ... no, seriously, stop laughing ... and came up with https://www.sitebox.ltd.uk/clarke-cst12-industrial-sack-truck-oclarke_6500185?paid=googlepaidproducts&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0PTXBRCGARIsAKNYfG15YVWAjE6e5U9jhnKD4qWopfRbEjIUDHizjKwf5HHJoH089U7QP2UaAjCeEALw_wcB

    Luckily, I had the sense to ask what the (unladen) trolley weighed before I bought it.


    Ah, right, so now I need a trolley to move around my trolley ... perhaps not.


    Surely this is a topic for Trollychat? :biggrin:

  13. Next month:

    "7 reasons you can't play metal on a strat"

    "How to convince yourself that watching YouTube tutorials all day is improving your playing"

    "$150 vs $5000 Les Paul: why only a true Gibson will do for your bedroom rig"

    "Dave Grohl explains why cocaine was the best thing to ever happen to him"

    "A look at the barre chord, and why you might as well ignore all other shapes"

    "Reliability is over rated - a run down of our favourite valve amps"

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