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Everything posted by GazzaRazza

  1. Thanks for the replies, it switches the Pups on and off so I think you might be spot on there.
  2. Hi Guys Has anyone come accros this sort off toggle swith mod on a cirrus bxp before? (image attached) Thanks
  3. I'll let you know KB, now the T-40 that I've had sat in a case waiting for me to get round to sorting it is another story! I may well pick your brains on that one....
  4. Thanks mate that's great, that's exactly what I'll do, when I bought the bass the bridge saddle for the E string was missing and the set up was pretty bad! The bass is set up Ok now with the bridge saddles out and a few pieces of cardboard lol I've ordered a new bridge for it just to get the saddles as I couldn't find them anywhere. When they arrive I'll file them down and hopefully that will sort the problem out, I'm surprised how well the bass plays.
  5. Hi Guys I bought a Peavey Cirrus BXP as a second bass the other day and I have to say I really like it. I have one problem though....the bridge it's a single string type and although the bass is set up nicely I can't get the strings low enough to suit me. For now I've taken the bridge saddles out completely. Has anyone had this problem and if so how did you get around it? Cheers!
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