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Posts posted by Tracer

  1. [quote name='observer' post='485547' date='May 12 2009, 07:41 AM']It's a pleasure to start Theo's feedback topic.
    Bought EHX Stereo clone theory pedal of Theo. Everything went as it should be, pedal delivered fast ad well packed. +1
    +1 from me.

    He made parting with money as painless as it could possibly be : )

  2. [quote name='cheddatom' post='451624' date='Apr 1 2009, 03:53 PM']2 pedals 1 power supply....

    I was expecting some sort of sick joke![/quote]
    If you mean what I think you mean then we both spend too long on the Internet. If you don't then it's just me : )

  3. Copypasta from the free software thread in Off Topic.


    [url="http://magnus.smartelectronix.com/"]Ambience[/url] - Nice reverb. Eats processor cycles though
    [url="http://www.arcanedevice.com/"]ArcDev[/url] - Handy delay and some wacky ring-mod-pitchshifter type thing
    [url="http://destroyfx.smartelectronix.com/"]DestroyFX[/url] - Mostly noise/glitch orientated stuff. Buffer Override can be fun though
    [url="http://www.dskmusic.com/blog/"]DSK Music[/url] - Tonnes of virtual instruments. I've been having some problems with these, but I suspect it's my temperamental motherboard
    [url="http://illformed.org/plugins/glitch/"]dBlue Glitch[/url] - Glitch plugin. Throw different effects onto slices of a sample. Obscenely easy to use

    Enjoy : )


  4. There's some really weird routing underneath the scratch plate of my jazz (2005 US). There's a lot of routing around the pickup, and then a hole below and forward of it. Just a hole. No tracks to wiring to anywhere else and a really stupid place to put a control. I always assumed it was somewhere to hide your crack, because I can't think of any other reason for it.

  5. [url="http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2008/08/27/introducing-compatibility-view.aspx"]IEBlog[/url]

    Not sure if you've seen this yet - and I admit that I haven't really looked into it too much (standards compliance Nazi here, so we should be alright ; ) - but it seems to be saying that you can force IE8 into quirks mode from the page using various combinations of DOCTYPEs and a new META tag.

    But yeah, might be worth a glance.

  6. [url="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087332/quotes#qt0475910"]I'm with Egon on this one[/url]. When the survival of your publication depends on your advertising revenue what hope have you got of being truly impartial?

    I certainly haven't seen another UK bass magazine in a while, and I spend an embarrassing amount of time in Borders.
  7. [quote name='AM1' post='363461' date='Dec 25 2008, 11:47 PM']Also, I have heard there was a sonic scientist hiding at a few gigs using sequencers and synth stuff, would love to know if this is true![/quote]
    That'll be Morgan Nicholls. You can see him skulking around in the back of [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyLx0qc_gKc"]this video[/url]. As far as I know he's only been on the more recent tours though.

  8. +1 for Reaper! I've been using it for a year or so now the stability has come on leaps and bounds in that time. It's starting to look like a serious competitor in the DAW market now, which at $50 for a non-commercial licence is borderline hilarious. That said, when you buy an audio interface they'll come with plenty of demo software.

    -1 for the Mac Tax, but with a tentative +1 if you really don't mind paying the extra in exchange for having Steve Jobs hold your hand in the scary world of computers.

  9. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='333065' date='Nov 20 2008, 12:52 PM']Informed opininininininon also has it that fuzz boxes sound good with dying batteries.[/quote]
    Depends on your definition of "good" but I've been GASing for a Dwarfcraft Devices distortion box for some time since they have a "battery starve" feature that just destroys the sound. Can't really justify the cost though, as I'd struggle to find something to do with it beyond making silly noises and giggling.

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