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Posts posted by Turnaround

  1. An old Precision is a wonderful thing, high end boutique holds little attraction for me. I do have a few basses though and some of those were bought just to keep it interesting between gigs. I do however find myself playing an 80s Fernandes Japan Jazz Bass more than anything else. ....what does that say about me..or the Fernandes. Actually I know what it says.......you only need one decent bass that plays well sounds good and that you're happy leaving in the back of the car or on stage at a pub gig.

  2. Very different from the Wurlitzer 200a but the Hohner N is quite valid as a classic in its own way. I recognise the sound now that you've pointed it out. The crispness probably works better with that style than the Wurly which is softer and warmer. Electric Piano forum looks really useful, thanks.
    All I need to do now is improve my playing, nice change from bass though.

  3. Gently tightened up every screw I could reach and it performs much better than it did, these do sound fantastic, warm Ampeg tone.
    From what I've read the old Portaflexes were the same, sounded great but could rattle a bit in the studio unless you spent time tightening everything up.

  4. Strangely it didn't rattle when it wasn't attached to the cab at rehearsal......although it did have a tendency to vibrate to the edge of the cab and almost fall off!
    I'm using a couple of Precisions with flatwounds and the tone roled back, oh and the tweeters switched off so I'm pushing it a bit.

  5. Thanks, the mids were fine on the PF350, if anything I could keep mids flat and boost the bass, it's my B100R that used to become middy at high volume.
    I suspect the Portaflex cab lids buzzing a bit but will check everything as you suggest, thanks.
    Then again I think the original old Portaflexes could buzz and rattle too, on balance if it's the tone your after the new ones sound great.

  6. Gigged a PF350 and matching portaflex 1x15 twice at the weekend, once in a small bar and once in a medium sized function venue.
    I have to say the tone was great,just what I was looking for and a volume lift over my usual Ampeg B100R which has tone aplenty but becomes very mid focused when pushed loudly. What I would say is that the new Portaflex rattles a great deal, hardly noticeable at band volume with drums etc but it's there and slightly annoying when compared to my old Ampeg.
    Anyone have same problem?

  7. I've a real soft spot for 80s Tokai guitars and bass's. They're better than a lot of 70s Fenders and close to but ultimately only replicas of the 60s Fenders that inspired them. Excellent instruments though in every way.

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  8. Just got back a '72 Precision that I sold to a friend a few years ago.
    First time I owned it I'd spent a lot of time refinishing it to the correct shade of Olympic white after the previous owner had stripped it and the good news is that it's now been gigged quite a bit and has some fantastic natural checking on the refin.
    Looks great with original tort guard and plays sweetly with a neck adjust, set up and a new set of flats.
    I've played one gig with it since I got it back, the tone was fantastic, punchy yet full with great playability and a slightly narrow neck profile that I've seen on a few 72's.
    Had to trade a very good Rick for it but we're both happy.

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