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Everything posted by Notmyrealname

  1. Thank you guys, I'm feeling a lot better about playing today. Thank you also to those who sent me PMs, much appreciated. As for keeping my identity secret: a) it makes me feel like batman b ) I'm not a confrontational person, this bloke is on the forum but has only posted once or twice in the last year or so. I just wanted some other bass players' opinions on the matter. I won't be using this account for anything other than this thread, once this dies I'll delete the account, so don't worry about me causing any havok. Thanks again for all the kind words
  2. So as you can probably tell by my username, this isn't my usual account. I post here fairly regulary under a different handle, but for reasons which should be clear in a moment, I don't really want to be identified. I've played bass for about 17 years, in rock/pop/funk bands, and started on guitar first. I've never had a lesson but have gleaned various bits of knowledge from youtube, musician friends and books/dvds. For a while I've felt like my playing should be a lot better than it is, especially considering I've been playing for as long as I have, so I found a local teacher and set about arranging a lesson. I saw him last night, and had the worst learning experience I've had in ages. I felt like I wanted to leave about 10 minutes in. I wasn't made to feel comfortable, I didn't learn anything and worst of all I was made to feel like a complete idiot. We started the lesson with me watching him play, and then with him making me improvise, to find out "what you don't know". After stumbling through some improv/soloing (feeling a bit nervous as i've never had a lesson before) he then sat and played and made me watch him again for quite some time, slapping, tapping, chords etc. After a bit of "got that?" he spouted some jargon at me, and when I asked him to explain he wasn't really able to. That was pretty much it, and for nearly £30 I felt ripped off. Now I don't want to slag the bloke off (after all he's a member on here), but I left feeling like I was a terrible musician and I wanted to stop playing bass for good. TLDR: I had a bad lesson and I feel like crap. 1) How to tell him I don't want more lessons without being rude? 2) Has anyone else had a similar experience? I feel like I've wasted years of playing and like I'm a complete amateur...
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