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Posts posted by Thump

  1. I don't usually gravitate towards that style of bass but that is lovely. Wilkinson pickups are very underrated , 99% of people would not be able to tell they were "budget" pickups if the covers were unbranded. The one i have in my HB P is huge sounding.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Thump said:

    Have you tried 2nd hand? ( Edit: yes you have. Re reading the post renders some of mine obsolete , apologies.)   At that price i think you are only going to find Harley Bentons new , i have not tried one so cannot comment on them.


    I picked this up for about £180 a few years ago. Early 80's Aria , ebony board , side dots on the note ,  lovely to play 


    Edit 2 : I had a very late night and early morning , and thats how i managed to quote myself instead of hitting the edit button 🤦‍♂️




  3. Have you tried 2nd hand? at that price i think you are only going to find Harley Bentons new , i have not tried one so cannot comment on them.


    I picked this up for about £180 a few years ago. Early 80's , ebony board , side dots on the note ,  lovely to play



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  4. 12 hours ago, jd56hawk said:

    Have you seen this in real life, up close?

    Have you picked it up and plugged it in? you’ll forget all about the Meteora once you compare the two.


    Indeed I have not! Nobody near me has them in stock yet. I was planning on playing each (hopefully at the same time) before I finally make my mind up.

    Although I'm flip flopping all the time on what I'd like next. Currently I'm back to a P bass, it's my favourite look and sound and the body shape is perfect for me. It lacks versatility though compared to the others and I'm starting to think I dont care. Schecter,Fender, G&L, the list is almost endless. I already have my modded and improved HB that I absolutely adore, why another P? It's just as well I have a holiday first, give me some time away to think things over. I'm not rushing into this for once.

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  5. I have only one fretless. It has dots on the side where the frets would normally be at 3,5,7,9,12 etc. It took me a minute to figure out the dots were at the fret positions and not between them like I'm used to. As I don't play it often , I sound awful when I do.

    If I had a choice I'd probably go for side dots but with fret lines marked on the side as well

  6. Neck through with an ebony board for £500 is pretty nice. It certainly looks nice. 


    The extra strings are not doing it for me , four is more than enough to contend with.


    I wonder who they are aiming it at? Its kind of got an ultra widdly turbo shreddy tap vibe

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  7. On 14/09/2023 at 14:21, gjones said:


    I played the exact same model in Edinburgh GuitarGuitar and, for some reason, didn't like it. It may have been badly set up

    In my experience with the Edinburgh store I have yet to see anything set up at all. Apparently they have an excellent tech yet everything seems to go out as it went in. I've had to setup every single instrument I've bought from there from a £120 banjo to a £2k+ Les Paul. Never asked about a setup, but also never offered with a new instrument 🤷

  8. The more i look at the Reverend decision p in venetian pearl the more i think i may stick with passive. But then i click to a different window and i'm confronted with the meteora...


    I wonder what merchant city are like on trade ins 🤔

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  9. 23 minutes ago, Waddo Soqable said:

    "Stereo" out, ie seperates each pickup so you can stick each one through a separate amp, or whatever 

    Sounds a bit fancy that , would only lead to more GAS for me , as if it wasn't bad enough with all these gorgeous instruments appearing lately

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    • Haha 2
  10. 7 hours ago, wateroftyne said:

    The thought of having to use a bass with a Fender active circuit makes my teeth itch.

    I've never experienced one myself , and i'm limited in experience of actives in general. Are the Fender ones terrible? 


    I have an Ltd phoenix that takes a 9v battery yet the controls are vol/vol/tone 🤷‍♂️

  11. Edinburgh is my closest guitarguitar , about a 30 minute drive from home. Merchant city do have Reverends though... i guess if i want to try before i buy i have to make the journey. Better not do it before the holiday , the Mrs would explode.


    All great suggestions thanks , hadn't considered 2nd hand at all yet. Thinking this will be one to hand down to ungrateful kids later on. Its gonna be my big spend bass. Not a lot to some but for me and what i do / can do its more than enough. Should satisfy the GAS monster for a long time. At least a few months...

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  12. I go on holiday a week on Monday...must...resist...


    Only until I get back of course 🤷‍♂️


    I don't want to trade my prs in, I'd get more if I sold it privately,  but no takers so far. The trade in looms large. Only problem is there are no meteoras near me or my usual vendors. I'd like to haggle this time. A free strap would satisfy me, I'm a cheap date

    • Haha 1
  13. Guitat guitar have them in now as well. This is a problem for me as i have longed for an olympic white P with a tort guard and rosewood board for some time.


    I say problem as i am selling a prs to fund a Reverend purchase, which may now be traded in against the OW P instead. I am quite lazy , the trade in is easier 

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