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About Thump

  • Birthday February 14

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  1. If one were to woo a lady with a succession of Reggae songs, where might be a good place to start?  Without being too direct. I feel a good term would be blatant subtlety which i coincidentally may have just come up with yet cannot fully explain. I have no idea what i'm doing except steering towards the little bit of light at the end of this dark tunnel

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    2. Thump


      It was a walk to remember and i shall go to bed with a smile on my face. Speaking of which , faces touched, hugs were held, lips may have brushed a time or two. Gazing out over the water on a crystal clear night , and i kid you not , shooting stars. It was like something from a movie. Things will go slow as we are both coming out difficult times and nobody wants to hurt anyone. But goddamn. Ever see a beautiful woman on the arm of a nondescript gargoyle and wondered how? Well i have no idea, i can assure you it isn't money. Punching above my weight? it's not even the same sport. I need to lie down and stop pinching myself

    3. LowB_FTW


      This entire thread is just pure heartwarming wholesomeness.



    4. Thump


      The sun/everything seems unusually bright and colourful today,  I didn't think that actually happened ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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