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Everything posted by MiK3 STRAT MAN

  1. Sure, I will have to return it. Thanks for your help. Mike
  2. Thanks, ive heard some bad stories about them, but only came across them AFTER buying the amp. Is it worth calling Marshall? Would they refund me? Im pretty sure its under warranty still. Mike
  3. Ive had this combo about a year now, but recently ive encountered buzzing noises everytime I use it, like a really overdriven sound. Im not an electronics whizz, norr am I an expert at amps in any way. I know the MB series isnt the best bass amp around but ive had cheaper amps that have lasted alot longer. Has anybody else had this issue? The buzzing cuts the main sound out while playing the bass, and does it on both the modern and vintage channels. Is it something simple that I can fix at home, or is it a goner? Thanks for any help! Mike
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