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Posts posted by buff

  1. Bought Dave's Fender 800 head, top guy. Even let me try it out for a couple of day's before deciding if i wanted it. Deal with confidence fellow bass chatter's.

  2. Just fitted a standard jazz wiring kit from John, have my very bright jazz conected up in series mode at the moment ( joined neck pick up earth to bridge hot wire) With the 84's have finally given my jazz some balls.

  3. Maybe i should go back to EMG's, probably not helping that my main bass is a 4003 and this jazz hasn't the warmth the Ric has. In the past the jazzes ive had have not been so bright sounding, and whilst not sounding like a Ric haven't been a million miles away. Ive tried bringing up the mid's and dropping the treble at a gig last week, but a friend who was the sound man commented on it being very toppy and boomy at the same time. Ive read some good thing's about dimarzio type J's . Just never had a problem with a bass so bright before other than an early SB2.

  4. No what I'm wondering is as anyone else had a very bright sounding jazz, and fitted pick ups that changed the tone. I thought by fitting 84's it would darken it enough. It has but in a harsher way.

  5. So ive had over the years two MIJ/CIJ, one American and one Mexican classic, plus a few VM jazzes. My latest is one of the late 90's budget American traditional series, pre highway 1 basses. The sustain on it is great, but im finding over all its very bright sounding and is a complete contrast to how the others ive owned have sounded. Ive dropped in some 84's and done a gig with them in. But im finding them harsh and im looking for something warmer woody sounding with good mid's. Don't really want to move the bass on again as the weight and feel of it is great. Ive used emg pick ups in the past, but all the other basses weren't so bright sounding acoustically Any recommendations ?

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