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Posts posted by vailbass

  1. you may be sending a post EQ signal to the board; try unplugging your cab and while listening to the input on the board, move the tone controls to see if this changes the sound. If so, then the EQ settings you have for the great sound out of your speaker do not make for a good signal to the board. The Sansamp bass driver is cool, plug your bass into that first and take the XLR out to the board/ use the GK just for live sound; you will be happier, money back guarantee!
    A no money solution would be to unplug your speaker, use the GK direct out and adjust the EQ to shape a better tone....

  2. wow, I'm genuinely touched that so many people reached out with such a positive vibe! :) For that reason, I will be happy to participate in a free exchange of ideas re: anything about bass! Thanks, faith in humanity restored...now on to amps!

  3. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1419991460' post='2644727']
    It's not what you tell "us" (whoever us is), but how you tell us, friend.

    It's the attitude of the "I've seen more, therefore I'm right so shut up and listen to me" that grates me, personally. If I did that to my students in the lab I'd be considered an arrogant pillock. My students raise good points regularly. If I acted condescendingly, they would not say a word and we'd all miss out.

    So you are quite happy not using compressors, fine. You give a list of credentials, cool, so you're not a weekend bar player, you probably have a lot of stuff that if you'd like to share would be pretty cool to hear. Now, if I find an equally successful professional bass player who loves his compressor... what would you say to him/her? "MY way is the ONLY way"?
    I very much doubt it, you would not be as successful as you are with that sort of attitude. So, why do you act this way here? Really, what do you get out of it? :lol:
    Is that really interesting to you? I know it wouldn't be interesting to me if I acted that way in a forum about my field of study.

    You're clearly experienced... I wish you cut down the Holier Than Thou attitude and really shared, if you really want to. I'd listen. I'm just an amateur who loves music and has a lot of fun playing with a couple of bands in front of an audience 4-5 times a month who secretly (well, not so secretly :)) envies the likes of you who had the vision to dedicate themselves to music and make a living playing music. I know it's not all roses, but it still sounds pretty interesting to me. I love my job too, don't get me wrong... I've lived in different countries, study in a foreign language, earned a PhD ans subsequently had to reinvent myself a few times, changing fields and adapting to the ever changing world of science. Some look at me and my colleagues and say "wow, what you do is really cool!"... and sometimes all I want is for Friday to arrive so that I can get in my car, drive to a music venue and play for 45 or 90 minutes or however long we've been booked for :lol:
    So, I'm interested in your knowledge and stories, but without the attitude. I've got no time for that, even if you were Einstein.

    it's not "my way", bro. It's the way it's done in the high- end pro world. I didn't invent the idea, I was just looking to help guys avoid mistakes that will prove harmful; most pros don't want to take the time to share with less experienced guys but I would like to. The notion that I have an "attitude" is silly. When I just stated some facts about how it's done in the real world of professional music- making, I was greeted with crap like "you must not ever have used a good compressor" or "you obviously don't how how to use it". Would you expect a super- successful business- person to coddle a beginner that questions/ berates their ability or knowledge they're trying to share?....You've lost an opportunity to gain knowledge...good- bye..

  4. Any of the Radial products will serve you well, I don't like the Countryman at all, depending on the bass it can really change the tone, making it 'dull' sounding.If you want some EQ and 2 channel capability, try the Radial BassBone. I use them on all my fly dates where we use rental gear. Sounds just like what you plug into it..:-)

  5. the compressor is not helping your tone at all. more EQ in front of that amp won't help either as that amp already has plenty of EQ. Your bass may be the issue; have you tried other basses through that amp with all the tone controls set 'flat'? remember that EQ is often best used as a 'subtractive' element. Try cutting the frequencies you don't want instead of trying to 'add' the ones you do want, you might find that helpful..

  6. forget about the compressor; you need to set up your bass better. My guess is that your strings are too low and the pick- ups are too close on the high strings, limiting the dynamic range. Try experimenting with action adjustments to even out the response of your bass; trying to chase that down electronically will be far less effective. Low action is the enemy of good tone, just a tip. :-)

  7. I would unplug it and get on with playing music. :-) compression can't increase sustain, that's a commonly stated myth. The sustain is coming from your bass; the compressor just makes the inital sound softer and increases the level when the note is fading, making for the illusion of sustain but all it does really is take control out of your hands and place it in the electronics. Might as well just play a synth; there's unlimited sustain there. :-) Now, heavy feedback can increase suatin as the sound waves act directly on the instrument but that's a different beast altogether.

  8. I would recommend not using compression while playing, only after the fact on a recorded track during mix-down would it be appropriate. Using one live is a crutch best left alone

  9. octave box on fretless was fun in the 80's, for sure... never use compression, you'll lose the expressiveness that makes playing fretless so rewarding. I don't use any effects on my fretted or fretless, save for a little reverb on a recorded solo. You've all you need with 8 fingers and 2 thumbs (hopefully :-))

  10. Never use it when I am playing, I do use it after the fact on a recorded track but never print (record) compression because you are stuck with it. In the digital world there's no need to record with compression, just set the record level properly so it won't overload; you don't need to worry about the noise floor like in the past. I do think it's a bad idea to use it as a correction for poor technique but that's me....one would do well to define the goal; is it to 'even' out the notes? Just play more precisely...

  11. I think the wood and design makes the most difference; I base this on my experience with playing row after row of 'identical' basses at several manufacturers and noting the huge differences between them. For example, I played 20 or so identical American Standard Precision basses, all alder body, maple neck, rosewood 'board, passive p/u. Huge differences between them. Conclusion, it's not simply the kind of wood, but the actual piece of that kind of wood that makes the most difference to the sound.Pickups will vary by ruining the sound to different degrees. Much of the 'high- end' stuff get's too bright and sometimes harsh results. I have a cheap Squire Jaguar bass with the stock junk passive pickup that sounds full, clear, loud and bright...how did that happen? Got lucky with the wood is my conclusion. Now the question is, can you predict how the end result will sound when choosing a particular slab of wood? hmmmmm.......dunno....

  12. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1419412841' post='2639620']
    There's not many threads about ugly players on BC as most members here are tarred with that brush. Except me of course, I'm beautiful!.

    What you need to do is get out of introductions and post a thread about power amps in 'Amps and Cabs'. Then we'll listen to what you have to say.... and then ban you ;-)
    will do ! :-)

  13. Tell us all about it! :)

    well, one crazy topic was about power amps; some guy named Bob who claims to work at QSC stated that all power amps sound the same until they clip. He seems to have many followers on Talkbass and they just believe whatever he says; he puts forth 'technical evidence' to support his statement and I say that the only thing that matters with regard to sound is what it actually sounds like, not the tech specs as the be- all, end- all. I was met with a ferocious attack from him and many others there, with them saying; 'just because you work with this guy and that and even though you've 40 years of professional touring and recording experience doesn't mean you know anything about sound'. I said I can hear huge differences between power amps at moderate volume and that Brystons, for exmple, cost a lot for a good reason.blah, blah, blah, people got real personal with attacks and I came back at them...BANNED.....:-) oh well....

  14. Hi all and Merry Christmas! Vail Johnson here, came across this site surfing the web and it looks cool so what the heck, let's join up! I got banned from [i]TalkBass [/i]in the states for having too much conviction in views contrary to the general populace there. Here's hoping Brits are a little 'thicker skinned'. :-)

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