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Posts posted by JamesTun

  1. Its literally why I bought it. The SVT 3 Pro wasn't doing it for me. Especially through a TC electronic cab. The combination didn't really do it for me. But I put the TC Electronic cab through a carvin bx 500. And that sounded amazing. Its the combinations that make great sounds.

    This Mesa 400 will be going through a Ampeg SVT-210HE Classic. So the cab will smooth out the sound for the finger playing. But the Mesa will bring out a great sound, hopefully! Should be getting it on this Friday!

    Might invest in a little head like a Carvin BX model. Just for the light moving around. Because as we all know, the Mesa Boogies are really not light!

  2. Interesting, Mesa Boogie isn't my most knowledgeable brand. But I know the difference between the 400 and the 400+. There is more graphic EQ controls and as you say more power in the valves.

    In the early 90s these were the amps to have. Still are reliable and great sounding. I think this will go great with an Ampeg classic as well.

  3. When it comes to weight, its not a concerning factor as I do not have a fridge. I only have an Ampeg SVT 210HE. So its only a 2 by 10. Just swapped it for a TC electronic cab. This means I wouldn't have to put it on top of a fridge and just put it on waist height. Using the cab sideways up. This makes it easier to move everything around. The head I am putting it through is an early SVT 3 Pro as shown at the bottom. This weighs a total of 11 Kilograms, 7 lighter than the 400+. Which to think about isn't much.

    The tones are similar but I think my SVT misses that scoop on the top that just edges the SVT.

    Funny you should mention Eden, I have tried them when I didn't know what it was. And it was not what I was looking for at all. Out the three I tried (Where I didn't know which was which) Ampeg, Eden and Aguilar. The Ampeg came first, with the Aggie second and the Eden last. It was too muffled in comparison. I do like clarity and scoop sound. I know you cannot really account it to the cab. Its down to the head as well.

  4. Interesting. To me it sounds exactly what I want. I have a SVT 3 Pro, with a graphic EQ. I think its the 90s model. And the Mesa looks like an upgrade on that.

    The tones are far more brighter from what I have heard. And the clarity even turned all the way up is still present. A 400+ through an Ampeg head is quite a great sound.

  5. I like what I am hearing.

    I'm a fan boy of Claypool and King, those kind of players so I thought that I should look into what gear they used. Rather than getting a Carl Thompson (Virtually impossible).

    I have always rated the clarity and attack of Mesa Boogies in general. However most do not have graphic EQs. Whereas the 400+ has that. I would never buy an amp without graphic EQ because it allows you edit the sound very individually. The adaptability in this sense is very admirable. I like how you can change from 4 ohms to 8. And as you said it compliments the player a lot more with the attack and diversity.

  6. Yes that is true. Saying that I've experienced bass malfunctions from brands you wouldn't expect. And that's one in one thousand.

    A lot of people say it weighs a lot. Around 45 pounds (18kg). Which isn't the lightest but it isn't the heaviest either.

  7. Hello everyone.

    I'm wondering what everyone thinks about the tone that the Mesa Boogie 400+ produces, seeing as though they're not produced any more and used by some of my favourite bass players!



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