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  1. This is what a GK tech sent me: "Well that depends on what impedance the Goliath is. If it is a 8 ohm you would hook it up to dual mono but if it's a 4ohm you would need to hook it up to bridge mode to get full output out of the head. But remember in bridge mode you are pushing quite a lot of power so be careful how high you turn up the volume as you may overpower the cab and this may damage it. GK Tech" But I thought bridge mode is only to be used with the speakon cables and that speak ons should never be used with other brands??? Confused
  2. Jtuk Thank you so much. I really appreciate the help. If possible can u have a look at http://www.gallien-krueger.com/manual/2001rb-bass-amp-2001rbp-pre-amp-owners-manual/ Page 6,10 and 11. It is viewable online
  3. Sorry also the manual of the GK says "never use bridged speakon cables"
  4. Thanks allot JTUK So if I understand correctly, I should use the right speaker out jack with the switched put on "dual mono" .. That is what I originally thought but when I switch of my amp having it connected in above mentioned way the cab makes a strange like fizzle sound and doesn't do it when jack is connected to left out on amp.. Looking here http://support.swramps.com/manuals/pdfs/procabs_om.PDF it seems my impedance on cab is 4 ohms
  5. Hi New to the forum but hoping someone can help me. I recently got a GK 2001rb head as well as a SWR goliath snr 6x10 cab. Now I am really not a technical buff and this was a major upgrade from my previous little combo amp. I don't really understand the GK manual on the reccomendations on connecting to my cab. The head has a bunch of features like bi-amp mode etc that only works with certain cables on certain modes. The SWR has a jack as well as speakon input. But the speakon cables I got with the head are 4 pin and the manual says that it shouldn't be used on other brands, Also it has a bridged mode as well as dual mono but also there are a bunch of DONTS in the manual at which point I have no idea which to use as I don't want to hurt my head or cab. If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.. I will post photos of back of head and cab if that would help
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