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Posts posted by kevpilk

  1. hi ,iv,e got a m2000 in sunburst, thinking of selling it , its immaculate, , I play a Patrick eggle new York, which is small bodied , and the wife got me a m2ooo for my 50th, its a beast great sound but to big for me. any ideas of resale price .

  2. yes they are a pain to change the battery , do it when you change the strings its easier, had to fit a belcat pre amp , the original was covered in black paint or something , no chance of re soldering broken leads of it. ,as for the pickup ,mine growls just how I like it ,,had no trouble with the neck though,, , ,overall a bloody lovely bass, but then again I am a big Patrick eggle fan

  3. hi , the blue Patrick eggle you saw on e bay a few weeks ago , I bought it, wanted one for ten yrs, took the cover off to replace the battery, and the cables fell to bits im now waiting for all new pre amp to arrive, to fix it , , on close inspection someone had botched it up

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