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Everything posted by jamiethecat

  1. Gone for translucent black? Was that or translucent brown or white. They only have white in stock but I'm not into white (looks a bit glam to me). They claim despatch between 1 - 10 days. We shall see. Got a hard case as well still came to less than the bass price anywhere else.
  2. Done it pulled the trigger. I'll let you know when I get it.
  3. Thanks for the input guys I'm going to order one from dv247 almost £100 cheaper than everywhere else. Good to hear from other users I haven't heard anything negative which is always a good thing.
  4. Almost bought the rockbass but it was an early one and reviews I read said they weren't great and the price was more or less the same as the 504. I think I'll get more bass with the yam although the corvette was nice but the neck did feel a bit thick.
  5. The growl was really what I was looking for but I'm in a rock covers band and a rock and pop covers band so I'm wanting an all rounder. Is it possible to get a growl from the yam?
  6. Thanks for the offer unfortunately I live in hull. I had a go on a 305 and liked the neck I tried it against an original rockbass the neck on that felt massive compared to the yam. The rockbass had a bit more growl to it though. I really like the idea of being able to switch active off I have a couple of cort curbows and sometimes the sound feels a little fake. No ibbys around here I'm afraid. I'm all but sold on the 504 just got decide what colour
  7. Very close to ordering one just niggling that ibanez sr300 could be a good buy as well.
  8. Hi everyone I'm thinking about ordering one of these I've seen for £400 I've tried a 305 and thought it was pretty good. Does anybody have an opinion on the 504.
  9. I've seen a hagstrom beluga 2 which looks interesting does anyone know if they're any good?
  10. I don't mind the weight all depends on price. Used my curbow 5 last night haven't used it in a while I do like the Bart pickup just wondering what 2 sound like
  11. Cool as it happens I have a cort dealer locally. He's pricing up a b4 and an a4. Only problem is I have to agree to buy if he orders.
  12. My only gripe with the curbows are the body is quite small which makes the neck seem shorter I prefer long scale
  13. Thanks howiebass I'll have a look obviously I'll try before I buy I'm just wondering what other people think I was also thinking about Spector's as well.
  14. Because I'm playing different styles I need a good general rounded sound, a funk sound and something a bit gritty for rock. I've been trying to get a growl but can't seem to get it. My charvel sounds awesome but it's a fiver and quite heavy I really want a good 4 string and figured about £500 would be a step up from what I have.
  15. Hi guys looks like I managed to duplicate my post I'll stick to this one. The cort curbow has a single bartolini mk1 if I'm right the ibanez has 2 of the same.
  16. Hi everyone I've just signed up, I currently own charvel fusion, tanglewood curbow4, cort curbow5 and traben chaos core. A while ago the preamp fried in my traben and someone changed it for an unknown brand preamp. Could I easily change it to passive? Also I'm considering getting an ibanez sr500 would the two Bart's sound superior to the single in my curbow and are there any other basses I should consider in that price range. I should add I play in a pop/rock covers band and also a hard rock covers band. Thanks in advance Jamie
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