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Posts posted by NHM

  1. Very nice budget DI/Drive/EQ pedal by JOYO, all works as it should and in good condition. There's a bit of velcro goo on the base which should easily clean up.

    Full details can be found at: Dr.J D-53 Sparrow Bass Di Xlr And Drive Effect Pedal - JOYO ... (joyoaudio.co.uk)

    £20 plus £5 UK postage.





  2. 17 hours ago, BassmanPaul said:

    I've always found that the best stand for a speaker cabinet is an identical one underneath it!!  :D

    It would be nice to have another 115 (not that I really need it) but one criteria I have for my rig is that it must all fit in the boot of the car under the retractable cover. So I can just fit in a 115, main head, spare head, main bass, spare bass, cable and pedal board bag and half the band's lighting rig! Can't fit in another 115 but I can just fit in a collapsible stand.

  3. Thanks for the tips. I'll look into a keyboard stand. The Tiger stand Pea Turgh mentions looks ideal, but my 115 is mounted on wheels so I need to find something that fits around them. I'm thinking I need to make something made to measure out of 3x1".

  4. Last night I played a pub gig with my cab sitting on a bench raising it about 20" off the ground. It made a big difference in terms of being able to hear effortlessly without having to overcook the volume. So it's time to buy a stand!

    Looking on ebay, Amazon and at the main music shops websites, I can't see anything that would raise a 115 cab with an amp on top (about 40kg) between 18-24" off the ground. Lots of small tilt-back stands, but nothing what I'm after. It would need to be lightweight and folding. I've seen a Rockstand RS23010 which seems about right but they are out of production. Anyone any recommendations? 

  5. I've just watched the video and learned a lot. I can see AI could threaten the livelihood of some professional musicians, especially those desk-based composers. I think people will always want to be entertained by live musicians whether it is in the concert hall or the local pub, and thus some people might engage with making AI compositions while others will still have the desire to play an instrument or create a score. Perhaps in a few years time AI will write symphonies greater than Mahler did; Beato's comment on the difference between hearing and listening is important, as once we talked about 'elevator music' or 'bubble gum' to define music that fills a space but provides little other stimulation. We will need to reappraise the state of play when the consensus is that AI can make better music than humans can, which in itself might well be a wonder to behold.

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  6. I share Johannes view: I started playing 50 years ago and have had a couple of 'career breaks'. Each time I have returned, once I get back up to speed I feel I am playing better than ever - it is as though the experiences of being away from playing inform and improve my approach. I definitely feel more relaxed and more distanced/objective in my view of what I contribute to the band - so all positive. But at the age of 67 I'm not sure I can risk another break!

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