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Posts posted by Lw.

  1. It's best just to tell them the truth; say you thought the band were great & really liked the guys but you didn't realise the journey would take that long - should be fine.

    Out of curiosity though; how did you manage to take that long to get to Reading? I get the train through there every day & it's 25 minutes on the train from Paddington!

  2. Another house move victim;

    60w Laney practice amp - fairly old & has definitely seen better days but it still works.

    Would be good for a beginner or if you are practicing at home & don't want to fire up the big amp.

    £25.00 o.n.o. - cash on collect only please; based in Marlborough, Wiltshire. Again I can drop it off at Swindon or Newbury if you need.

  3. SOLD

    [s]I'm about to move house so could do with clearing a few things out - I haven't gigged this cab since before the last time I moved house so I think it needs to go...

    Peavey 115 BX Bass Cabinet - 1 x 15" Black Widow speaker 8 ohm, [url="http://assets.peavey.com/literature/manuals/80300395.pdf"]these are the full specs[/url]

    It's in used but good condition - I've used it both on its own & as part of a full stack and it's always performed well.

    £85 o.n.o.

    Cash on collection please as it's way to big/heavy for me to post. Based in Marlborough, Wiltshire but if you wanted to struggle with it on the train I could come & drop it off at Newbury or Swindon.[/s]

  4. The answer to that question is always yes, regardless of what bass you already have.

    I can understand wanting to go up from the sister brand to the main one too, though I'm not sure how to classify street cred - I have no idea what basses are cool.

    I would give another vote to a Fender Jazz - always a good one to have in the arsenal.

  5. This is just my opinion but I find the whole concept of the Fender Deluxe range a bit strange; for me Fender is about classic styling & a classic sound (which is why I'm going to buy Fender as my 4-string later this year) - most if not all of the bassists of the past that made Fender so popular were using passive basses & that is the sound that I associate with Fender. If you like the Fender look but want a modern active sound I would definitely look more towards the other brands that borrow the Fender look but pack all the modern bits in - for the price of a deluxe you could get a killer bass from one of the others...

  6. If you're getting paid jobs like this it might be worth getting proper professional advise but my two cents; charge whatever you think your time is worth, I would probably think about a day-rate that you'd be happy with plus expenses but obviously don't take the mick. If all goes well you might get repeat gigs to bring in more money.

    In regards to writing & getting a royalty; I wouldn't hold your breath. If you write music whilst being employed/commissioned the copyright will stay with the employer - you are essential being bought-out at the start so worth factoring that in when you're thinking about your price.

  7. I don't mind the look & they often feel great to play but I'd find it hard to justify paying extra to have a normal bass sanded. If you're interested in Fenders you could get a Classic 60s "lacquer" which has the nitro finish & save the £250 fender charge to sand it for you.

    Buying second hand; so long as you're getting it for a decent price I think the RW look is fine.

  8. I'd treat the two issues separately; the shoddy luthier work should be shown to them & a refund/rework done.

    Not a lot you can really do about lying other than not using the shop again - all they can really do is say sorry & give you a fixed amp back but that won't remove your annoyance. Maybe just put it down to experience & move on.

  9. [quote name='aalam' timestamp='1387285547' post='2310198']
    Thanks Lw, I can't read music sheets, so I don't know what those notes actually mean. But I will try and see if I can figure it out, I'm sure it'll pay off in the long run.

    Ignore the proper written music - the chord sequence is written above in normal letters so for the most basic bass line just play the route note of the chord (so when it says "Gm7" just play a G). Not meaning to sound like I'm talking down to you (I'm not great at this either) but in it's most basic terms just keep count to 4 in your head every time a vertical line crosses all the way through the horizontal lines, change notes when you see the chord change.

    Once you get the hang of it you can then maybe step up to the next route note by picking a note or two in the chord shown.

  10. It's worth looking down the list of MERLIN members to possibly find a label nearer to you - MERLIN aggregate for a lot of the indies & generally get better rates with the digital services then the labels otherwise could.

    Having worked at a DSP for a few years I always found Tunecore to be good to deal with, though none of them were particularly bad.

    It's worth repeating that Bandcamp is a completely different route than going through an aggregator - really you should be doing both. Bandcamp for selling to fans, aggregators for promotion - the streaming services are only really a promotion tool, you'll never make real money from them.

    Let me know if anyone wants to know specifics about how the money flows through services like Spotify etc... It's pretty boring stuff but sometimes worth knowing if you want to make money from music.

  11. Saw them last year (or possibly very early this) at Under the Bridge - very good live & Levy had a great sound, I think he was using those same basses too.

    I think one of the reasons not too many people are using Warwicks at the moment is that their sound is almost too recognizable - I think they sound great but sometimes you don't want the instrument to scream a brand, you just want it to fit in with the music (that's how I'm feeling about mine anyway)...

  12. Morning fellow Warwick owners. Has anyone had success in getting deep scratches fixed on the oil-type finishes? There was a bit of a DIY accident a few years ago; as you'll see from the below picture the cut has gone through the laquer & the stained wood through to the wood underneith & left quite a jagged line through the laquer finish.

    At the time I was hoping the it would gently wear away to become less obvious but nothing has really happened so I've decided to try to fix it. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about it please?

  13. I bought my girlfriend a Lanikai LU21 last year; very happy with it. I tried a few different Ukes around that price range in a shop & the tone of this one sounded nice to my ear, but then none of them sounded bad!

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